baby dragon

truth seeker, truth speaker

Mar 26 at 05:08 PM



Mar 25 at 01:32 PM

♥︎999♥︎ taking it slow & steady. Thanks for asking

Mar 23 at 08:13 PM


Mar 20 at 12:27 PM

♥︎999♥︎ thanks I am an empathetic and intuitive, and just learning, I will not fear and try harder ,9


Mar 20 at 12:25 PM

Thanks, I'll try harder


Mar 20 at 12:17 PM

Left u a comment under untreated trauma, it's under Nicole's comment tho

Mar 20 at 12:03 PM

How very nice of you, enjoy your time w/ yer mother while she is still here. I miss my mom so much

Mar 19 at 10:04 AM

What does the last 2 sec line read? He does not say it?it goes too fast I can't read it Can you tell me please? Also, maybe you or RAY.. can tell me....had another issue last night, w/ this or these dark spirits??? It went in me w/ out my consent, puked like 3x' to get it out ..

Mar 18 at 06:08 PM

Well said

Mar 18 at 03:06 PM

Justice not an option
