baby dragon

truth seeker, truth speaker

Mar 18 at 03:01 PM

Akhi agreed

Mar 18 at 12:51 PM

Makes me sick( an understatement(


Mar 18 at 10:23 AM

✓ out harmonic egg

Mar 18 at 10:21 AM



Mar 18 at 10:21 AM

? Secubus

Mar 18 at 10:05 AM

Maybe, all I know for shit sure is, I blue my life & my house, was once attempted to melt in front of my eyes. That's all I'm willing to ever , ever say. Learned my lesson by re forwarding content on FB, WONT EVER DO IT AGAIN


Commented on Third Eye Spies

Mar 18 at 09:54 AM

All I can say is, I was told : "when yer given a gift , u don't tell ppl, it can be taken away ".

Commented on Courageous Heart

Mar 18 at 08:40 AM

Why can I not watch this? I paid for a yr membership? Thought this would be just right fer me w/ all the hardware in my neck......

Mar 15 at 07:06 PM

ABSOLUTLY will be trying the above

Mar 15 at 11:04 AM

Grateful for yer posts.