Juquada Campbell

Jasper, AL, United States

I've found purpose in self-discovery through the Disclosure series. It's a beacon of truth in life's challenges. I now feel like me.

Mar 11 at 11:01 PM

That is me! Point blank. I was always referred to as a hippie even though I was born in the late '80s. I wasn't too keen on taking advice because I would always feel like I would be better off listening to that small voice inside me. True I have traveled a different path at times that I shouldn't have but one things for sure it was the path meant for me whether good or bad and the reason I know that it was meant for me is because that small voice has never let me down. It's all been a learning process and I am content.

Mar 11 at 10:40 PM

What I am about to say is meaningless I'm sure lol I just wanted to share this moment. So, when I began meditating again (not sure why I quit in the first place) I would get just a minute or 2 into it and then you know the random images that can quickly flash in your mind, I would see some entity that was around my height, 5'5", and would be wearing some type of weird small hat along with a strange uniform holding something,but my point is that it's eyes were the same size as in this picture. The first one was beautiful actually and it's eyes were in a slight upward angle on the outter part of the eyes and it appeared as if it was a female. Then it seemed as if the other 3 images had eyes just like the one in the picture. It was so dark as if light was so far from where we were standing. I would say that the lighting could be similar to small amount of moonlight shining on someone so it was hard to determine the skin color or texture plus it was just those quick flashes in your mind.

Mar 11 at 11:21 AM

Precious Angel


Mar 10 at 03:36 AM

It only allowed me to get basic information for free but I didn't check the cost of the premium content and only did the free part.


Mar 10 at 01:00 AM


Mar 08 at 04:00 PM

God Bless you Sean. R.I.P.

Mar 08 at 02:26 PM

Sherif Osman You can say that again.


Mar 08 at 01:18 PM

Diane Smith Thanks for that. I would have never thought that those words would have came to my mind let along to come out my mouth regarding the circumstances anyway. I had no peace. I had so much rage and hate. That's why I can't say it enough to people. You have to forgive them because not only that God tells us to but also because it will benefit you and set you free. Not them, because they must still deal with the wrath of God. Take that baggage to God, he wants to relieve you of all that weight on your shoulders. No matter what may or may not happen to the one who harmed you in life, even if it seems like they got away with it. I would rather them have to take that up with God anyway because he is always on time. When I told him those words in the courtroom, it caused him to just drop his head in shame and disgust. It killed him on the inside that I forgave him. Freedom.


Mar 08 at 12:42 PM

Sherif Osman oh wow. That's a lot to deal with especially when your hands are tied to an extent. It's always hard for your own family to go against you. I have been there. That's like once I watched the Disclosure series, I had this amazing "Aha" moment and was like hey this is it, this is the missing piece. This is simply the confirmation of a deep within knowledge that I already had but didn't know that I had it. If that makes sense. It's like I didn't know about any of this nor did I try to find out but then I found out about it all but had this feeling of like oh yeah I knew that. Lol I promise I am not weird. Let me just stop at that cause I have talked your head off all morning. I am just so thankful that there are actually other people out here that this makes sense to. Now I know I AM normal.
