Juquada Campbell

Jasper, AL, United States

I've found purpose in self-discovery through the Disclosure series. It's a beacon of truth in life's challenges. I now feel like me.


Mar 23 at 12:01 PM

So the more I have been reading the "preview pdf" written by Terrance Howard, the more I learn how accurate he is. People who claim to be "educated" have slandered this man for speaking the truth.
Why bother with well-reasoned arguments when you can just throw a few ad hominems around? It's like they are saying, "Hey, I can't prove my point, but let me attack your personality instead!" 🙄
And let's not forget the classic move: "I'm right because I said so, and you're wrong because I said so." Because clearly, eloquence and evidence are overrated.
So all I can say to those "educated" ones who are the one's that profess their "degrees and titles" keep flexing those character-deforming muscles! Oh, absolutely! Because nothing screams "intellectual prowess" like resorting to character assassination instead of engaging in a thoughtful debate.
This isn't directed to anyone here or specifically for that matter, just some BS comments on Quora, FB, and YT from random engineers, mathematicians blah zay blah zay.
That man knows what he is trying to tell these sleeping beauties.


Mar 21 at 05:37 PM

Alright I began meditating yesterday and I closed my eyes I seen eyes looking back at me and they were so close up on me that it was like "whoa, can you gimme 50 ft. " lol. Okay then a little later I tried to meditate again and this time I could barely see (not enough light very dim like moonlight) like this dark red floor I guess that was kind of detailed with the texture of these little tiny black dots and I tried to really focus on it and I noticed it looked like either the floor or myself was steadily spinning in a backwards circle to the right over and over but without getting dizzy.
Is this just me or is this normal?


Mar 20 at 09:20 AM

Within us is serene tranquility, stronger than the storms of life. We are a beacon of peace and light, radiating love and healing energy into the universe. We trust the journey, knowing each step forward is guided by a higher wisdom. We are One, we are love, we're UNIFYD! Happy Wednesday everyone!
🙏 🌌 💖🫶


Mar 19 at 10:38 PM

The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of
the people who are evil, but because of the people who
don't do anything about it.
Albert Einstein



Mar 17 at 12:54 AM

There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. ~ Albert Einstein



Mar 12 at 04:32 PM

Have you seen this?



Mar 11 at 11:15 PM

What does the number 700 mean in a dream? One thing I read says it means I am in the right place Spiritually and another says that the Divine Realm has a message for me. Does anyone know about hearing 700 in a dream?


Mar 11 at 11:51 AM

Today, we embrace the dawn of a new week. We are a vessel of light, love, and purpose. As the sun rises, so does our spirit. We release any burdens, doubts, or fears, allowing our souls to soar. With each breath, we affirm our connection to the universe.We are guided, protected, and infinitely supported. This Monday, we choose joy, gratitude, and compassion. We radiate kindness to all beings, knowing that our energy ripples across time and space. May this day be a canvas for miracles, and may our heart be a sanctuary for peace.


Mar 08 at 02:12 PM

Has anyone seen, heard, or witnessed for themselves, the sound of trumpets in the sky? I just ran across multiple youtube and tiktok videos of people recording what they believe are the sounds of trumpets in the sky all around different parts of the world.


Mar 08 at 10:11 AM

"Embrace each day as a canvas, and paint it with colors of joy, kindness, and adventure. Life’s masterpiece is created one brushstroke at a time." -Anonymous