Juquada Campbell

Jasper, AL, United States

I've found purpose in self-discovery through the Disclosure series. It's a beacon of truth in life's challenges. I now feel like me.


Aug 03 at 05:38 AM

FLASHBACK 2020 - D U M Bs Deep Underground Military Bases Underground War, THE INVISIBLE WAR
This video gives details about the advanced train system in the tunnels like Ray told Jason about plus alot of other details involving this ongoing silent war.

Aug 02 at 05:36 PM

Shannon Hess actually no I haven't been able to. Times are tough right now. May God bless you! That would be such a blessing. I am not one to ask for help even when I am in desperate need. I am stubborn I guess or just modest. If you have one though that you don't need cause I don't want to put no one out ya know. When I get my job back I would gladly pay you for it even.


Aug 02 at 08:05 AM

I am truly sorry that you are going through that. Stay covered in prayer and I will be sure to prayer for you and then also the children because it breaks my heart at the amount of sickness and evil in this world especially against our children which ar we our future and they are so innocent and I literally cry my eyes out sometimes just thinking of what the daily horror is like for them. We need to start protesting all around the world about the children. The way things are in the world is the very reason that I am completely terrified to send my daughter to the local school and I have had her in virtual school since kindergarten and she starts the 2nd grade today actually. I am ridiculed and talked about so negatively by her dad's family because of my chose to not send her to the local school.

Aug 02 at 07:28 AM

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I don't know of there being another page. I do know there is like 4 channels though.


Jul 30 at 11:18 AM

All those "okay hold up" moments...yeah those. Do you remember how you eventually convinced yourself into believing that YOU were the one tripping? Well, you wasn't tripping. In fact that's what THEY wanted you to think all along and make you feel crazy. Your NATURAL instincts come from God who is the ONLY word, truth, and light. Marinate on that for a minute while sitting outside enjoying nature...tyt.

Overwhelming? Trust me I know the feeling. Okay now your research journey begin. Start with going back to each "I'm tripping" moment that you had strong emotions and try reliving your feelings. Don't worry they will all naturally come back in the order that they need to because now your listening to yourself for a change. Don't allow others to mislead you from the truth that you are now becoming aware of because that will only cause you to have to start this all over again because you have to start trusting yourself again.

Along this overwhelming awakening process, continue to seek guidance from God. He will show you the way. I like using the acronym P.R.A.Y when I pray. P for praising Him giving Him all the glory. R for repentance of your sins and shortcomings. A for asking for his guidance. Y for yielding off to follow the will He has for you.

Commented on 👀

Jul 08 at 07:23 PM

Things that make you say hmm...


Jun 26 at 03:56 AM

There ya go! You're most welcome. It was on my heart to share that with you. I don't enjoy seeing anyone dealing with negativity because I know it too well. We are all truly amazing in so many powerful ways and we are capable of so so much more than we know.

I know this will probably sound all wonky but it's so true when you think of it. Light always wins. I can bring light into any darkness and that light stops that darkness by illuminating everything. I can take darkness into light but the light doesn't allow the darkness to even exist and continues illuminating everything. The same as the truth doesn't ever need to be justified or explained because it is truth but a lie will continue to need justification and explanations for eternity because it's a lie.

Sorry if that was too wonky.


Jun 25 at 11:46 AM

I am truly sorry that you have been going through all of that darkness. I have been there in your shoes, so I want you to know that you are not alone, I feel your pain. Just remember, don't ever let anyone steal your joy. I came to realize that they will try to dim your light to keep you blinded and to keep your light from being able to shine in someone else's direction that may also need to see to get out of the darkness as well. Like a chain reaction, in a sense. They won't to keep us in that dark negative state but we can not ever allow that to happen because we were created with power and purpose and they thrive on stealing ours from us. You are important, your feelings matter, you are loved, you're present and future is bright with joy and happiness and you are not alone ever. Today is a good day with many more to come your way. Have a blessed day!

Jun 24 at 09:49 PM

I believe they are already a team.


Jun 06 at 07:13 PM

Even though bills would normally be the first thought of what needs to be paid. I have to say that I would actually first get me a new or used laptop so that I could get my job back. If I had my job back I could then afford the bills plus buy myself some clothes of my own because I literally have no clothes. I have like 1 outfit of my own the rest are borrowed. I always make sure my daughter has what she needs above all else so I had to let myself go since my work laptop crashed a few months back lraving me to no longer have a job. I really gotta see how to get going with Operation Unity to fill that gap for me, I just don't know a lot of people. Anyways, when you are actually generating a lower than low class income with a child, things are stressful and that impacts my vibe. I know my financial circumstances will change for the better in time, that I do know. God will make a way. We may have to choose which need is better than another some times but at least we are happy and our most basic needs are covered.