Juquada Campbell

Jasper, AL, United States

I've found purpose in self-discovery through the Disclosure series. It's a beacon of truth in life's challenges. I now feel like me.

May 24 at 05:24 PM

I am most definitely a TRUTH SEEKER and always have been which has led me to also being a SKEPTIC TURNED BELIEVER now. Since the beginning of 2024, I have been following the white rabbit and man have I ran across some crazy things that I never would have thought but seeing that it resonated and I never second guessed the things I now know then that means ir has to be true.



May 21 at 10:26 AM

May 19 at 10:41 AM

Opportunity, love, relationship


May 17 at 12:52 PM


See I thought I was going crazy. I have been noticing that the moonlight is a lot brighter than it was when I was growing up. Not only that, last night it was shaped funny and it was straight up in the sky and it was only 9:00 pm Alabama. The moon shouldn't be straight up in the middle of the sky. I took a picture of it but it ain't that great.



May 17 at 02:59 AM

So, are my daughtet and I going completely crazy, or has anyone else experienced the moon being super bright, shaped funny, and seemed like it was slightly wiggling? I recorded it tonight but lol I couldn't keep the camera still so it could be easily seen.



May 16 at 07:12 PM

So all these eerie postcards were made in the 1800s. It's like someone was trying to tell us about something already happening or something to come.
Just like now everything is right in our face about the children who are literally living in a daily hell on earth.

Repopulation Postcards CABBAGE PATCH KIDS 1800s Cloning Babylon Babies https://rumble.com/v48wvli-repopulation-postcards-cabbage-patch-kids-1800s-cloning-babylon-babies.html

May 16 at 06:41 PM

Same here


I had no idea the true extent until recently and it's mind boggling to me that it's been going on for so long and we NEVER see shit in the news about it AT ALL.


OperationQ I agree with you. People will never know the true extent of the evil being done unless it is by at least seeing the REAL images. The real horror. Thanks for your dedication to getting the truth out.

Jada Carter It's very true, the images are disturbing, you're right. They are horrifying but think of the nightmares that our children are dealing with daily and nightly the only difference is that they are awake and its their reality. I was unable to sleep because of some of the things I have been seeing these last few days. I instead just prayed. These children are exhausted, terrified, and are being tormented and abused causing unthinkable physical and emotional pain. They are living in a horror movie. I can't help but think that they have to be thinking that humanity has let them down and that no one is coming for them. I cry and become a basket case every time I see these types of images but I think that with these types of images being shown that people will maybe realize it's time to wake up and come together for the children. There's no future without them. The focus should be on them and about bringing positivity to them.


May 14 at 09:12 PM

It brings me joy when I see people giving to others. To make someone's darkness turn to light is pure joy like none other.
