Juquada Campbell

Jasper, AL, United States

I've found purpose in self-discovery through the Disclosure series. It's a beacon of truth in life's challenges. I now feel like me.

For 3 days now, I have ran into all this same info after finding a child sex trafficking survivor's story and website. Yes, this is the horrifying truth. This is the true extent of the evil being done to our innocent children. The survivor's site has videos where she has decided to share her story and she speaks of the tunnel, the baby farms, forced beastiology, auctions, small children that are sick and deformed animal like beings, lizard people, etc. It has been alot to take in. This shit has to stop. We need to share all this info far and wide.


May 13 at 10:37 AM

I love plants and flowers. I have recently took them up as a hobby. I love painting, drawing, and well art in general as well. Art helps me to release emotions at times which in itself is a perfect escape.


May 13 at 10:25 AM

I have learned a great deal of disturbing information these last few days about the true extent of the evil being done under our noses. I have listened and watched content from child trafficking survivor and a channel on rumble that exposes the true evil going on all around us. I am in tears and am lost for words. I knew it was happening but I never knew it was to this extent. We have got to stand up and help bring this to awareness and put an end to it. This is very serious. Check out these links. This is all very graphic but I trust that this platform is a safe means to bringing this to awareness. https://www.allysarmy.com/ and https://rumble.com/v48zo56-just-the-tip-part-1.html.. The first link is a child trafficking survivor who is trying to bring awareness and she knows the whole scoop and mentions several big names we all know. The 2nd link is mentioning to true nature of how things really are. From Epstein and a so called unknown island called TerraMar to Hollywood elites and adrenochrome Satanic Ritual Abuse minf control mk ultra and baby farming. There are 3 parts to the Just the Tip series. I only watched the 1st one so far. I can't handle anymore today. Please find it in your hearts to check this out cause we must do something for the children. Stay blessed!

Dang, I have got to find a way to pay for the subscription. Everyday I see something that I feel like I just got to watch on here but since I am barely getting by I must assume it's not meant for me yet.


Commented on Zeitgeist: The Movie

May 01 at 06:45 AM

This literally shocked me simply because everything mentioned didn't feel "new" to me. It was as if I "already knew" ALL of this was true even though this is indeed my first time hearing any of this.

May 01 at 04:09 AM

I strongly agree with you about God being real. I have always known that too. Just like I told you once before about me going by that first thought or instinct that I have no matter what the situation is, that first thought is God leading me where I need to go and that's why I am happy to let God guide me especially if I have no idea where I am going and I know he has the map to my life. I hate to see you go. It is crazy that someone could do those things to you when you simply tried to spread positivity. I really enjoyed your posts and our back and forth comments. I will greatly miss you. That's for sure. Just remember to let God guide you. Even though I know you already know what I am about to say is true, I just felt the need to put it out there for those who may not know that it is true. God created us all with these things called brains and He created us with the logic to have a growth mindset instead of a limited fixed mindset and yet so many people remain limited.


I would have to say both. I am all about truth, truth, and more truth. Sadly it just takes longer to find truth in something to watch so at times I may actually spend more time searching than watching. Whatever resonates with me at that given moment is what I watch though.



Apr 08 at 01:29 PM

Last night I dreamed in a full color dream that was amazing. My daughter and I were standing on a huge mountain with a beautiful waterfall. I looked in the sky and noticed there wasn't a cloud in sight and then I noticed we were able to look directly at the sun without it hurting your eyes then I look a little to the right if the sun and the moon was sitting at the same height with a pale shade of blue. I told my daughter " oh look at the sky" we just looked in amazement. That was it lol. It was beautiful .

Apr 08 at 12:39 PM

You have inspired me to do it as well. Thanks!



Apr 08 at 12:33 PM

I just seen a link to join Damien for ECLIPSE meditation today. Here's the link for anyone who may want to join.