I sometimes think this is linked to a hidden frequency in some song or ad that was playing that year, Or some hidden ingredient in something that everyone on planet earth loves to consume daily. I ask myself is my frequency, or vibration higher or lower Thinking about these things?" i understand to be possible. I know i need to concentrate my thoughts somewhere productive. Am i thinking up or down? Lol? Ive always thought of these things.
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Apr 12 at 04:03 PM
Its the doubters of human capability that hinder our growth into the universe i think. I am gulity of some things, how many of them are there actually? They seldomly show themselves or the truth in their mind and hearts to the public, for fear of scrutiny or damnation i guess, mean while they control everything through designs that stretch into the smallest machinations of peoples future and other things. Their true nature is hidden behind a well kept barrier made of up the most demented and vile games one can play with anothers life. Its a misplaced ego that nurtures their growth. Like a 5star comedy or horror story to be heard of or seen one day.