
Replied on DISCLOSURE 1

Apr 19 at 06:09 PM

The one thing i think that escapes us everyday, but is supernatural in nature, is the reactions* of the people we see everyday. Meaning that is an energy in itself that isnt being measured properly. Its being measured in such a way that the future can be determined to one side or one individuals plans. How people will react to things, and when, its entropy. Everything we see and hear is entropy based i think. Pushing us forward or backwards in time. Like a puppet show.

The expression on someones face that makes you elated or leaves you puzzled is part of some agenda to make you fulfilled or to destroy you completely. No inbetween.

Commented on DISCLOSURE 1

Apr 19 at 06:04 PM

I understand why he says dont trust them. Maybe they've just been spying on the population with these telescopes and becons in space diverting our attention with unresolved theories and "artisticly generated scientific evidence" of stars and planet.


Apr 18 at 03:24 PM

This is your subconcious pushing you into the future realities that are possible , or trying to help us understand the past or present, if i had to guess. I had day dreams all my life, and looking back i understand those dreams were possibly moments of me trying to comeback or forward to my true essence, or my true self. I dont day dream anymore. Or dream for that matter ,none that i can remember i guess. The effect vr has on ones dreams is interesting as well. They get people to sign these waiver forms understanding that they are messing with something pretty cosmic in nature.

Lost me at the yahweh part. But thats only because i know of the atrocities they carried out behind close door on biblical scales. These are spys for communism if i had to guess. They have Some pretty depraved individuals az does any sect or cult, but they are on another level. The ones that are good usually break away from their teachings from what ive seen.

I can understand that when we understand the dimensions are real and are of our own creation, all of them .they are man made.. the dark web is one physical dimension where people controlled beyond the public vision.. they can be destroyed as well i think.


Apr 14 at 07:46 PM

That soundslike the dark web alil lol

Apr 14 at 07:44 PM

Love this reminds me of The Book Of Seth. Im just going to keep looking this over, b right back.

In terms of the distance between iqs and the fact that certian childrens iqz were intentionally dampened is enlighting in itself. Would suggest there are entities that seek the demise of a certian population among us, And it is the one with an astronomical iq that is assumed to be doing so when clearly looking at the evidence..i think they actually hide their true iqz for nefarious reasons. I could make the assumption that they are the closest thing to "extra-t" we know of right now. Or more over their souls. What they are attaining to be, to put to their likeness.


Apr 12 at 05:47 PM

Very very enlightening movie "Reptilian" on netflix..
Del toro is really great in this film. Sheds light on the level of nefarious activity that is going on, and has been going on for years if, If not decades. The intricacy of it is bewildering when you watch it twice. Justin Timberlake does a great job of explaining through his character. (Not for the short attentioned)*
Whats your take of it?

Commented on Facts!!

Apr 12 at 05:40 PM

Predictive programming. One cant use it as a defense incourt*, but it certianly holds wieght in the reality we live in.
