
Apr 12 at 04:53 PM

I agree to some extent, but i have respect for others beliefs ,because i do know is what's not*, i dont know what truley is. I remain objective and respectful. This is the extremely hard part, Tricking people into benifting themselves i guess agreeing on that part.

Apr 12 at 04:19 PM

"I come to you not to bring peace , i come to you to bring seperation"..this is the lost word of the bible of God of jesus,i think sometimes, that so many have strayed from, i am guilty. But i am reborn.

Apr 12 at 04:08 PM

I'd ask a question. if im answering you directly.. a long but simple question. One that would clear up all the confusion. I dont know what that question is yet.

I guess its in the form of a math problem right now. The "why are we here?" always comes back to the "how are you here?". It seems.

Its the doubters of human capability that hinder our growth into the universe i think. I am gulity of some things, how many of them are there actually? They seldomly show themselves or the truth in their mind and hearts to the public, for fear of scrutiny or damnation i guess, mean while they control everything through designs that stretch into the smallest machinations of peoples future and other things. Their true nature is hidden behind a well kept barrier made of up the most demented and vile games one can play with anothers life. Its a misplaced ego that nurtures their growth. Like a 5star comedy or horror story to be heard of or seen one day.

Apr 12 at 03:39 PM

I sometimes think this is linked to a hidden frequency in some song or ad that was playing that year, Or some hidden ingredient in something that everyone on planet earth loves to consume daily. I ask myself is my frequency, or vibration higher or lower Thinking about these things?" i understand to be possible. I know i need to concentrate my thoughts somewhere productive. Am i thinking up or down? Lol? Ive always thought of these things.


Apr 12 at 03:21 PM

I did experience the loss of taste and smell, along with this numbness running down my arm, which is still with me till this day from time to time, if not everyday. I did hear things i couldnt place where it was coming from. i do remember hearing so many voices and seeing so many faces in my mind like a waking dream or nightmare. I had suggestions, feelings like they were coming from different mediums, some in my house, maybe my phone, others in the form of people,Or a cordinated hypnotic trance being imposed on me against my will by what i couldnt place. i started to guess the likley hood of things and assume, and speculate which almost drive me mad, kicked me into survival mode. I still wonder about where all these things were coming from and the media that feeds into my paranoia of what ive been speculating all these years.

One recent piece of media or news is the one about MIT perfecting a tech* that can invade ones dreams, induce dream states, or alter them. Ironic?

Apr 12 at 02:05 PM

I had a similar experience. One that was pretty enlightening and destructive at the same time. I had to realize it was all by some ones design going on over the course of decades. I didnt want to confront that truth but i had to, im still here. I feel you on this.

Apr 12 at 01:58 PM

sara This happens for people with a real support base i think. Breathing is very important or rather the control of it.

That might be the book of life. Things i hear about but dont fully understand resonate with me more in my dreams and nightmares sometimes. I look back later and connect the dots. The brain is funny like that. You sound very open to the right suggestions or the suggestions your dreams are made of. I wonder if something was trying to connect with everyone on the planet at once?


Apr 11 at 01:03 PM

I think its all three from what ive experienced or What ive noticed.


Apr 11 at 12:12 PM

I spend alot of time listening to the water fall, my whole life. It has this calming effect on me. I once Had a fascination with fire as a child, that got watered down intentionally, and unintentionally i guess as i went along looking back.
