
Apr 10 at 02:11 PM

One theory of mine they dont dare make us aware of their existence for this would inevitably lead to some form of decay of galatic proportions. It is our task to find them , not for them to find us it seems. They know we won't until this planet is made whole. Human History has shown us very little of what the human mind is actually capable of, until now it seems.

Always made jokes about a whole plant thinking towards one common goal in space. It would have to start with a common goal in humans on earth being accomplished as a whole in a point in time i guess.


Apr 10 at 01:55 PM

The most abundant organism on earth is one that was discovered very recently interms of the history of science. Its more abundant than water. An organism. Could that organism be whats been watching this whole time? Primordial in nature. The most simple beings on the planet. Are also the most complex to our knowledge. it seems.



Apr 10 at 01:50 PM

Has anyone experienced a wierd sort of awareness of their body pertaining to 2019?
I mean did you experience anything that you hadnt experienced before in life Mentally, or physically before 2019?


Apr 09 at 04:26 PM

I think he realized how easily misinformed the world really is, due to many factors, adolescence being a main factor. What would one do with that power? To directly mold people to his will and his will alone ? The power to create real monsters? Seems that is a power this country is sharpening as we speak. The future smells of blood and brimstone taking these things into account. There is always some form of decay in the shape of a human that comes back to avenge all the forgotten souls cast aside by war ,famine,death , and conquest. Misinformation as well.


Apr 09 at 04:22 PM

What's the most significant piece of Global news since 2019?

If I had to guess it was the revelation that the CIA lost so many operatives in the field over the course of the past ten years.

Another one would be the comment Kim jong made right before 2019 ended and right before the "pandemic started", or the threat he made, along with the pictures he took with his family on pale white horses. (This one went uncontested by to many in this country I think, and is still unfolding unbeknownst to many).can't say exactly what it is he promised to do. But he did it. He definitely did. Amazing how only those who have knowledge of what it is he was trying to portray know😐. What power it is he's really using to bend the world to his will is still unknown. War? Famine? Death? Conquest? \Misinformation\.


Replied on Third Eye Spies

Apr 09 at 02:38 PM

Faith in yourself is something that is limitless. Faith others have in you is something that can be made to use against you. Remain vigilant.


Apr 09 at 02:37 PM

I mentioned this phrase on social media and got chastized and smeared for it. Being aloner all these years seems to have benifited some deranged cult, more than its benefited me. But there is more to unfold before my time is up.

Commented on Different ET species

Apr 09 at 01:18 PM

Characteristics of the soul and genetic make up account for these things. They are real

Apr 09 at 12:02 PM

as human beings we know better than to let the possibilities escape us i think. Its almost like a 6th sense, the brain can process impossible amounts of information into an apex, given the right parameters. Its that sense that becomes dull or sharper with time passing. Technology has fast tracked that desensitizing and the sponge effect. I respect China for shielding their population from the effects of technopoison*, But they are indeed the hackers who cultivated this poison and are reaping the benifits of it with their friends through the targeting of individuals ip addresses*. We are suposedly one of their allys. Thats where things get really interesting. C1@ taken out by another intellegence ag3nxy or entity? Starting to understand that is all these things going on all these years? Maybe. Individual targets not blitzkreeg

Apr 08 at 04:33 PM

Julie Lamarche Facebook is a cia controlled entity of I had to guess. They are no longer in the business of empathy. Marks face on the front of the post in 2019 was a clear sign of this. Sociopathic stare. Maybe a double spy. You have to be alil bit of a psychopath to be up on face book period. Am I one ? Maybe. but my empathy is real. And is in place for a good reason. There is a design to everything. It's usually the empathetic people on Facebook that are being targeted. For what purpose ? If your message needs to be heard your voice will be lifted up, the universe demands it. There is a force that works against the universe though so be more careful.