
Apr 08 at 03:58 PM

Theyve Been feeding off of me my whole life up until a few years ago. I am at war with something now. Am I I fighting for myself or for the future? I stopped being greedy along time ago. There were underpinnings to me, I couldn't correctly correlate to anything, and then it hit me, the eyes. The grand design. The hackers. The misdirection ,the broken bonds and relationships may have been all by someones design. Having faults is one thing.Having people instinctively feed off of your mistakes since your adolescence is another thing entirely. They are perverse and vile beings that reside spiritually in a different dimension than most humans. Demons. And Angels. Time and knowledge is what sets these beings apart from most of Earth, The hoarding of it for certain ones to know ,and 4 others to be in the unaware or oblivious.completely different realms. We only know through the experience that can be clearly given to us. Would be nice if the lie detector could actually detect deciet of man.


Apr 08 at 03:50 PM

Thank you for confirming what my mind was already battling with all these years. It always comes back to "which came first. The chicken or the egg?"



Apr 08 at 03:47 PM

What does the eclipse signify to you?

To me it signifies that all things are possible. That things are not as they seem, and they never were. There is always a deeper understanding to things. Earth is Too graceful to be put here in this universe, It's a task to understand why. We have been leaning away from this understanding as a whole, I think. What does that mean for the future? It just brings up a bunch of questions witnessing it. When I looked away it stayed with me like always but it was alil different this time. Like something I was missing.

Apr 08 at 12:00 PM

I think one has to be in that dimension mentioned in that map i saw. The first dimension i think. Im there not there now now i think ,by design i realize. But there is a greater design 4 those that think they have gone undetected. This im certian of.


Apr 07 at 09:30 AM

db db , There are sides to many things. Just depends on how far you can look. Its usually the soft ones that lack the will to question things ..and cant see past a point. Sorry for scaring you.



Apr 05 at 11:05 AM

Woke up in brooklyn this morning to my bed shaking. Knowing verywell something waz up, this is the second time ive experienced this in the past 15 years or so, now they put a warning out 40 minutes later that and 4.7 hit new york. Not pleasant. I thought someone was in my room moving my bed.

Apr 05 at 10:50 AM

Thank GOD this didnt happen .


Laura Schwimer Religion, coupled with the elimination of fear. Spiritual faith though, is something else i see.


Apr 04 at 08:04 PM

This is shocking to say the least. Seems like a move of desperation. Not good what the future holds for this generation so far. Clock just ticked closer torwards midnight, im certian. Signs from above are aligned with these incidents taking place right now or is the other way around ?

Ive experienced this only to realize a monster of a web that was being spun around my life and the life of my family. programming and manipulation of ones future. on such a level, one would think the culprit or blame cant be defined or realized when need be under the layers of of time and dysfunction, the victims fall in such a state of dissaray that they never realize whats been done to them, hence the word "zombie" that everybody loves to play around with so much.