
If you have truly meaningful mission where all facts have been laid out surgically, there is no danger, only obstacles. They are all one in the same understanding that all these things in life include some level of decay or warfare.


Apr 03 at 12:15 PM

This is can also be a catalyst to attack some one. A Very intricate design, ALMOST like a map to the soul.

Apr 03 at 12:02 PM

Tunnels are the back bone of war , i wouldnt be suprised at all.

Apr 03 at 11:58 AM

Hes taking part of a play. Playing his part like his underlings ,showing them hes willing if i had to guess. "Blacklist" comes to mind. Using a lesser evil to catch greater ones or vice versa ,supposedly. All leads to a climax where individuals are sacrificed and others are made to believe their "hardwork" and "loyalty" has "paid off". He is a devils advocate. There are those above or beneath him that advocate for what he does and they number in the many, brainwashed into thinking theyve done the right thing or theu just dont care ,(murderous cult* of sociopaths maticulously pieced together by one or a group). . would be incredible if he some how got the power to do all these horrible things hes being acussed of from the state or federal level or something else. Now hes being made to take the fall" on the grand stage like a "throw away informant" or a Expendable,,,We are all surgically "Expendable" to "them". Wether or not they fake your death or let you live is up to them i guess.


Apr 02 at 04:51 PM

Definitely needed to see this, should be common knowledge. But it isn't

Commented on 🤍💜

Apr 02 at 04:49 PM

One of the things that keeps me going


Apr 02 at 04:47 PM

This is true i think. Telepathy is real, examples of it every where we look(peoples faces). It gets turned off in some people or dampened when they are bonding with the wrong energy waves. I can see that some people are capable of entropic insight, Meaning they can see what goes where and what doesnt belong with out even trying. Their brain reacts before their body can and for some its the other way around. For others something else is at work i think now. Its a constant decay of disorder going on in some spaces that is by design. Some individuals thrive* off of this decay with or with out the victims knowledge. This is what i see going on in the world. Its all a game. In where it matter what you believe in. It truly does. Because there is nothing to believe in.

Apr 02 at 04:32 PM

They exsist. They are running wild rightnow, that ill admit.

Apr 02 at 04:29 PM

The ring is like something that cant be seen but exsist, like the dark web, which is supposedly 100 larger than the internet. The depravity that goes on up there is untold and biblical in nature. Isnt why all this chaos is taking place. The evolution of the dark web and its secrets.


Apr 02 at 04:23 PM

Not so much the downfall, but rather the true understanding and realization of who they might be, who they are, and what they are capable of. 007 was a film made reapetedly pertain8ng to what is im saying. We arr in some very dark times for those who know and those who dont.
