
Apr 02 at 02:01 PM

The future

Apr 02 at 01:45 PM

Breathing is a major part of this ive realized my whole life. Soms people have no control over their breathing whsn put into certian situations. Other are unphased. Most of it takes place in my mind. The control. The amount of sweat ive put forth is alot more than the average.the amount of sweat your willing to put foward is important. If not the most important detail. How much sweat your spirit allows you to put forth. Its challenging to say the least. And its a point where secret entities love to attack. Gaurd your breathing.

Apr 02 at 01:35 PM

I understand its "my choice". Its the Entropy part where things get confusing for me. I understand the future in its most brutal form sometimes i think. Other times i understand that we may have been born into something we have no control over. what did it all mean if im still here?I fear its only because of Entropy based warfare. I fear my future is not going to end in favor of this planet but rather in favor of those decpiwho have reached so far into the future they are able to manipulate the out of things with mainly money. Its been hindering my steps forward. Keeping me in a hibernetic state waitting to hear the truth ive been missing from those who knew. I give my self the only truth their really is behind it and the truth i need to hear, that those things that happened all those years were projected on to us from the previous generations warfare and wellbeing alike. I watched "Tenet" all those years ago understanding i was missing something, didnt think that it pertained to me.


Apr 02 at 12:01 PM

Peace and seperation to all. Im from Brooklyn. Tapping into the possibilites and probability. Entropy is something that should be spoken about up here. I hope to see some informarion on it up here.