
They are visual books full of important information. Nothing is just for entertainment. 100 percent of films that make it to the big screen are chalk full of messages both direct and indirect, an unknown percentage of it is a distraction. Like a puzzle we have to put to our lives to piece together.

Commented on Zeitgeist: The Movie

Apr 23 at 11:48 AM

Entropy based warfare. The :aliens" love to use so much.

Apr 23 at 10:36 AM

It drove me alil insane ubderstanding my truth in life. Has alot to do with what is in the bible. With what people werent telling me. I ubderstabd now that i was right about a dark shadow following me my whole life. Now i understand what that shadow was about. It would be there eveb when there was no light to cast a shadow. I felt it in the form of depression, addiction, family, bosses, police, friends, all pointing towards something i couldnt see or didnt want to see, i told myself God wpuldnt put you through anything you cant handle. Than i realized the devil was at work for along time . I accept blame on my part. I also understand what was being done all this time and by who. We all have some dots to connect.


Apr 23 at 10:03 AM

I can believe that. That the senses were dulled down over time by beings of darkness. The mind and body is capable of many things ,that the many i know would discredit. Ive experienced things i cant clearly explain but i know its connected to something very few on this planet actually know.


Apr 22 at 03:06 PM

There is a truth to spirituality , as well as religion. Its a dark past to spirituality that has literally been brainwashed out of the minds of Americanz.

Apr 22 at 03:04 PM

This is true. Anything that trys to inspire man to be upright always becomes comprimised by the other sides greed i think. Intergrity is important, and lines get blurred through programming and desensitization of the senses. Im sure we all have a six sense that's become dulled down by the religous turmoil going on for thousands of years now still today. The ability to see or make a futyre is being slipped out from many Americans and others around the globe. Doesnt matter if your guilty or not only if you fit their purpose.

Apr 21 at 07:25 AM

It never stopped. Our enemies took it up if it did. The fruits of their labor Is in action as we speak. Citizens imploding everyday. Their triggers* being pulled. All the documentation they horaded on people, all the activity that went on unseen is being called upon for catastrophic effects. Cataclysmic in nature.

Commented on DISCLOSURE 1

Apr 21 at 06:51 AM

There are so many truths to this clip. I have so many truths. So mamy unexplainable moments in my mind that boil down to what he is saying. The amount of activity that is going on in space correlates to what is going on on the planet. The more activity that goes on in space, the more activity that will go on earth not other way around. These satelites have alot to do with what is going on. Its literally a star war going on. No one owns space. So who to say what is really going on up there ? How much spying has really been going on under the guise of star gazing and interstellar travel, the distraction is coupled with effect of how much time one has remained unaware of the trickery.


Apr 19 at 09:23 PM

One is either a soldier or a future civillian casualty as far as i can tell. Most soldiers dont know theyre soldiers until a call to arms is made. Its knowing whos going to be called to arms , and knowing that you may be able to prevent them from becoming or evolving into true soldiers thats escaped many Americans. Including my self.

They say psychopaths have a higher brain function going in the frontal lobe and that mamy americans exhibit this activity ,Almost a fact to me now with what ive witnessed. These same psychopaths were the ones being crucified and burned alive in the days of old for thier i, the same psychos who spoke out against civil right atrocities . Forward thinkers who are not a part of this cloth are isolated(covid) and fed upon for their individualism to be asimilated into the folds of a ghost culture, that deems themselves the future. This might hurt peoples hearts upon hearing it. Might awaken them. Its all objective though. Cold but tru what Our country really is

Commented on DISCLOSURE 1

Apr 19 at 06:22 PM

Omg ,, i know what this man speaks of. Ive seen people go through these transformations not understanding exactly what had changed in them, but it was physical and spiritual. It hit me That these people were being manipulated by some one against me in patucular, as far as i know, for a very long time. These entities are cults. They have been hoarding information on you to hit your triggers. Cause transformations for the better or the worst. Some people were expendable.

The people are real. That want to take the form of a reptiles or take on reptiles temperment, such reptiles like dragons, crocs, snakes.