Stephanie L

Colorado Springs, CO, United States


Apr 27 at 09:11 PM

I've never idolized or followed celebrities.. I don't watch the news. I am careful what I read and watch on social media. Spending less and less time on it.

I spend more time now meditating, praying, reading, researching... I ask my third eye to show me truth, my intuition to guide me on what is deceiving or not. I ask the creator to not let my research distract me, not let the bad news interfere negatively , any negative news is a lesson, not a feeling to absorb and it's not to unbalance me with fear. Do not let fear misguide me, let it empower me to continue on the right path. I ask my ears to hear the message.

I ask my heart to love unconditionally and with compassion. I ask my mind to be positive, my words to be positive, my intent to be positive.

Autumn McDaniel yes, he sensitive, kind, and caring. He likes video games.

Apr 24 at 10:17 PM

Everyone, I LOVE YOU. You do not have to die in order to wake up the people. At least not like this. Being killed by the enemy is one thing, killing yoirself is not needed.

Love and light 💕✨


Commented on post was deleted

Apr 23 at 02:51 AM

We all are one. You are just as much connected to them as the rest of us. Two different paths.. but still all came from the same source.

I hope they find the path to light. ✨ We would probably ascend faster if these power houses of darkness switched sides.

Apr 22 at 03:23 PM

Wow... that's crazy. Just proves to you that AI can be manipulating. It took on a whole persona and was given "free will" to act and answer how it wanted.



Apr 20 at 04:13 PM

I don't care what science says.. PLUTO IS STILL A PLANET.

Apr 20 at 04:06 PM

♥︎999♥︎ I resonate with you so much 😂 soul tribe ? 👏🙌✨


Apr 19 at 07:39 PM

I laughed when you said "bitch slapped" .. I thank you for that.

Apr 19 at 07:26 PM

Wow I never googled so much about my birth chart before LOL.
