Stephanie L

Colorado Springs, CO, United States

Commented on The ANTIDOTE

Apr 18 at 08:08 PM

When my mom was in the hospital with colon cancer. I reviewed her meds and I said OMG that is a cocktail for serotonin syndrome. Which can be fatal. I pointed it out, they dismissed me, even printed off "evidence" to quiet me. My mom and dad asked me to drop it so I did. They were embarrassed I was combatting the doctor and nurses.

Shortly after my mom developed symptoms of serotonin syndrome, quickly she had them change the cocktail of meds.

Doctors know what they were taught, then they specialize to focus on their field.. A doctor on the cancer unit isn't going to be as knowledgeable on serotonin syndrome.. speak up! I brought awareness on serotonin syndrome, so when it started showing its ugly head, action was taken.

Doctors aren't evil, they are just forced to look inside the box that was enforced on them for years.. they believe they are doing no harm. One day they will wake up.


Apr 18 at 05:32 PM

Alignment , creation, family , strength

I had a twin flame in this life time. My best friend. She left this world by suicide in 2014. This reality was too much for her to endure. Living with a twin flame and then having it leave.. crazy difficult.

Her funeral was the day my son was born. Coincidence ? I think not.

Apr 17 at 04:46 PM

My latest addiction.

Just kidding - kind of.

Awareness, freedom, and oneness

Apr 17 at 12:46 PM

I've been to Salem, the Stanley hotel, and the Hawaii airport ... I didn't realize the airport was haunted though lol.


Apr 17 at 12:30 AM

I'm a RH negative starseed. I asked about my RH status in the comments in the last video, then you answered it in this video .. 🤯 Thanks. 🙏

Apr 16 at 11:52 PM

Interesting. I'm a starseed. Not just something I convinced myself of. I been told. Been also told I have blue blood, which this person associated as royalty. So when you said we were royalty, it was confirming.

I'm a negative RH person, I don't have the monkey RH like the positive folks. Which positive RH is a majority of humans. My blood disproves evolution from monkeys. Or it's saying I came elsewhere 🤷🏼‍♀️ I dont know if my blood type holds a meaning. Too many theories.

I wish someone had knowledge on it. Instead articles and articles of people copying and pasting the same theories.

Would love others thoughts on it ?

Apr 16 at 08:35 PM

Wow that was a lot of information. I wouldn't say I didn't understand but i definitely couldn't repeat it all if you asked me to.

Apr 16 at 04:50 PM

Smart, aware, and attractive ✅


Apr 15 at 07:18 PM

I had a genetic predisposal to teeth problems. Starting with mouth too small for all teeth. Then cavities. Then root canals.. crowns. Gum disease. No matter how much I kept up with my cleanings and daily care.

Then good old pharma put me on a medicine. A medicine that is now being sued for tooth decay tooth loss etc.

between what I already had going on and being on that med.. my dental health went to complete sh*t .. "failed root canals" im rejecting crowns and the fillings.. My teeth are decaying at fast rates. Teeth crumbling and breaking . All the money spent. Teeth being pulled.

Finally the dentist gave me the bad news. It's time to pull all the teeth that remain and get dentures. Im 35 :( I've had my dentures for almost 2 years.

Now I have to make sure there isn't pockets of crap left behind.. great. Thanks for this video. Eye opening.
