Stephanie L

Colorado Springs, CO, United States

Apr 15 at 05:28 PM

I filed my taxes yesterday. 😂 I don't know why I waited so long. I always get money back, and this year the universe blessed me with the biggest tax return EVER. Like x7 what I usually get. I thought I was dreaming.

I am grateful for the money but I'm also like why is the government giving me so much? Are they trying to buy my loyalty ? Trying to distract me ? 🤔

Back on subject, I am a procrastinator. I feel it's just my natural movement, that I do things when I am supposed to?

Like the other day I planned to leave at 130pm. I left at 145pm. Oops. Well I get to the highway and we all slow down to a stop. My GPS says there is an accident ahead. Perhaps if I left on time I could have been in the accident?

As long as the procrastination isn't causing negative consequences, then it shouldn't be viewed as negative. If it's causing negative things, then sure, work on it.

Apr 15 at 05:18 PM

I use all.. Using the language of the person that they resonate with as LOVE.

My husband needs intimacy first.

My 4 year old who is autistic and non verbal loves physical touch first.

My 9 year old needs the words first.

I said first, because they also need some of the other languages mixed in as well.


Apr 14 at 11:35 PM

This is a full time job for them, you don't work for free. Don't expect them to. As long as money is needed for survival, money will be needed.

How would they be able to help if they are suffering with financial instability ?

One day healing will be free again.. but until then it is what it is.


Apr 14 at 03:22 PM

Ashley Hileman ya never know! I see a lot of people I don't recognize yet. :)


Apr 13 at 09:48 AM

I haven't watched it yet, but on this app there is a video call antidote .. what I gathered from the comments is there is a recommendation to help with detoxing the vaccine .. I would check that out.


Commented on The Great Awakening

Apr 13 at 01:54 AM

I don't watch the news. As an empath, it absolutely messes with me. I feel the fear, the sadness, the pain as if it's my own. Although a gift to tap into people and feel their emotions. It's difficult on me as well.

As someone in the medical community, I'm fully vaccinated. They got me. They knew I would care about others and would do it in the method I was taught how. Sigh.

Since I don't watch the news, I didn't know about a lot of these events and organizations. I'm shocked that people watch the news and hear about the agenda of these organizations straight from them.. AND DO NOTHING. How doesn't that wake them up ?

I'm speechless at the moment. My brain is running at light speed with thoughts feelings etc..

Powerful message and information. Thank you for sharing.

Commented on E-Motion The Movie

Apr 12 at 09:57 PM

Great presentation with great information. 👍 As an empath, I absorb and feel other peoples emotions. Neglecting to feel my own. I am learning to heal my empath... so this information will help me not only release my own emotions but the emotions of others.


Apr 12 at 02:04 PM

You are loved. You are enough. You are deserving of more then what you've been given. You are smart. You do have purpose. You are not alone. I see you, you matter.

When you grow tired of the violence, the disease , the suffering, the pain, the fear, the lies, and all the bad that plagues our world .. We can come together. All of us, as one. Demand the change. Be the change. Stop waiting for better days. Let's bring it to us. Together we have the power.

aanandapriyaa I have huge respect for people who work the jobs others consider "less than". It's such an important role, without them, the balance is thrown off tremendously.


I am doing my best to keep an open mind.

A lot of this app is telling me ETs want to help us and they good. Then this first episode airs and it was a whirlwind of fear.

I will say fear is a great way to get people to listen.

They can freeze us, like sleep paralysis, while keeping our spouse asleep.. levitate us through walls up into a space ship.. but a human is the key to advancements? We are less evolved, why would they want to combine their dna with ours? Feels counterproductive.

Thats like us wanting to combine our dna with the apes. (Theory of evolution ) Let's go back to the basics?

Why cows? I'm sure the undiscovered life in the depths of the ocean would be a better learning experience.

Lets say they are doing these things. Interesting it's the same things we are guilty of. All in the sake of knowledge. Not saying it's okay. Just things to ponder.

At this time I'm not disagreeing, I will continue the series and see what other information there is.