Stephanie L

Colorado Springs, CO, United States

Apr 11 at 10:26 PM

I never cared for celebrities. Most of them.

To me, celebrities have felt like fictional characters. In their own little separate world. Why would I invest my time and energy into following someone and their story who will never sit at my dinner table ? A story im not getting the full truth on? I wish them love light and hope they are on a good path. Or find that good path..

I've been told by a gifted person I have "blue blood" connecting me to royalty .. nobility.. I hope any association I had in a past life was free of evil acts.

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Apr 11 at 10:10 PM

Milan Jus rays code is in Hebrew .. it is believe it will be translated to English. But Hebrew to English is difficult and I believe a lot of mistranslation will occur. I worry I will get less from the English codes.

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Apr 11 at 03:29 PM

#655321 it is said to be a very difficult language to learn... I am not Jewish though, so I hope if I do learn it doesn't offend. I

Apr 11 at 03:27 PM

UNIFYD TV I ponder this too. I was in a meditative state once and saw myself in a ship wreck. Holding onto floating objects in the turbulent waters.

A child floating on some wood came towards me seeking help. I told them they needed to get out of here, it wasn't safe. Put my hand out, motioning the water to take the child away to safety. A big wave swept the child away from the destruction. Hopefully to shore. Then I woke up.

I could tell this was from a very long time ago. The ship parts were wood, not metal.


Apr 11 at 12:45 PM

I'm a cancer. A summer baby, a time of the year when people are attracted to water.

Although I resonate with water, I also fear it because of the idea of drowning.

I was on the swim team as a kid so I can swim well enough... but you won't find me scuba diving or swimming in tight spaces.

Funny I had a dream last night that I was breathing under water. 🤷🏼‍♀️

Apr 10 at 11:07 PM

Wish I could download the app and go outside & try myself.

Why not? im surrounded by military bases. Including NORAD is my backyard pretty much. I wouldn't blame the ETs not wanting to get anywhere near me.

Maybe when I'm away from home one of these days..

Apr 10 at 10:05 PM

Intuition .. I'm very familiar with.. luckily it is something that has been a huge part of my life. I know some people only feel it when it's linking up to survival instincts.

That strong gut feeling which warns them to seek safety. Never ignore this feeling. EVER.

Intuition isn't always happiness and rainbows. It can deliver bad news. The truth can hurt. All we can do is grow from it. Thank the harsh truth for its lesson.

I feel that I have to offer what I have to offer. With the guidance of the people above me, a path will be created. It will evolve if it shall be. I could just be the janitor 🤷🏼‍♀️ someone's gotta do it. It's important.

I am not going to select an answer because the answer doesn't exist yet. At least not to my knowledge at this time.

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Apr 10 at 08:33 PM

Do you believe it's best for mass collective to learn Hebrew ? I feel like I will need to in able to decipher the codes that are coming... but I'm also being told they will be available in other languages..

at the same time even if it's translated , I feel like maybe we would get the most out of it if we read Hebrew ourselves ?

Apr 10 at 08:30 PM

Nichole Betts so how do we access this ?