
Apr 13 at 05:28 PM

Agata Andruszewski You can't end conflict with conflict you have to use knowledge, understanding, and love.


Apr 13 at 05:17 PM

Please don't feel unloved for if no one else loves you then I love you. Until we speak again, love.


Apr 13 at 05:11 PM

♥︎999♥︎ First I must say, 999 good number because it's the number of God. Then there is only one love. It is pure, good, and unconditional. It's not selfish love where you are looking for something in return. It is absolutely unconditional. And once achieved there is no such thing as hate, jealousy, prejudice only love. And with that I will say Adu and love.


Apr 13 at 04:55 PM

Whittney Vallejo It would take more space than "they" would allow to try and explain what comes next. But I will say this. In my opinion, I am the closest to the Devine level of awareness. I no longer feel fear I only feel love for everyone and everything. Even for those who want to do me harm and those who have done me harm in the past. I love them as I love everything. If you would like to know more about who I am then listen to what "Ray" has to say on Disclosure because I know that everything he has to say is true. Good luck and love.

Apr 13 at 04:41 PM