Stewart white


Sep 17 at 08:11 PM

Rember the people who dont like you your in there head a lot more then they are in your head the people who dont like me i dont think of much i just get on with my life the people who like me and i know of them i think of a lot but dont think of thes ones who dont like me much but i know every day i wake up with a smile on my face it fucks them off i know every day i get up i piss a lot off so to me its a very good day and puts a smile on my face

Sep 17 at 07:58 PM

Cracked me up the other day I was sitting in our car next to a guy sitting in his he didn't look happy then he moved his car to a park feather away



Sep 17 at 01:41 PM

Ask yourself why ukreen has a underground city at a steel mill port and every country’s ports are in city’s were rates are high and every bissiness wants high profits and if they move to the country they would make more and the land in the city would be worth millions sea views and why is the west so worried about ukreen is child traffics why an underground city in a port and every story you go up you got to go down look at a spsdt long hande small foot when you pull back dirt pops up same with bulindings so every city has an unground city maybe just think about it



Sep 17 at 12:53 PM

I see a lot of people makeing fun of Donald trump for saying that people are eating cats and dog will i know in some country’s they eat dogs and in New Zealand you can’t put goats on the side of the roads any more as people come along and kill them for meat it like in India they dont cows and some country’s they dont eat pigs so the people who are makeing fun of him have not don there recherce and are just fools look things up first befor makeing fun of someone because if you do and are found out to be wrong you look like a fucking mooroon


Sep 17 at 12:36 PM

The other night i was talking about espteen Clint list the next i saw on the news them going on about p daddy and last night in the uk one of espteen Clint’s got court with child photos on his phone or something and only got a suspended sentence and 7 years on the child sex offenders restrue so nothing happened to one of espteen Clint for haveint child porn on his phone


Sep 17 at 08:28 AM

If people dont like you just rember its all mind over matter i dont mind because they dont matter



Sep 17 at 07:34 AM


What on CCTV now outside the house usely ball's of light might get it later


Sep 17 at 06:53 AM

The Roman Catholic chrich and the Roman’s are the ones who killed Jesus were is the vadcun right in the middel of the Roman Empire and the Roman’s worshiped gods too the chrich drinks wine and say its the blood of Jesus and eat bread and say its the body of Jesus canablisum or devil wershiping


Sep 17 at 06:43 AM

Read page one of the Bible it says the showed of god lay over the land and he said let there be light so he’s not the light and Jesus said he is the light


Sep 17 at 06:28 AM

H2O water hydration you can power cars on that so why have we think about that