Stewart white


17 Mar 21:08

Have you wondered why they have been in trying to cure cancer and adis and diabetes etc for like 40 years and nothing yet covit 19 they had one in 3 months doesn't that sound strange to you


17 Mar 21:01

The last time I was sick with a cold was back in covit and it was just a runny nose and 1 was for a week that you was the last time I was sick 5 years ago so why can I go for 5 years without a cold and you probably get it 2 to 3 times a year are they infecteing you covit don't the army do covit operation s are they at war with us


17 Mar 06:11

If you think about all the chicken's getting the bird flue they are all house d so no grass or suñ no greens or vitamin d so there immune system is low


17 Mar 04:08

I saw on Facebook a guy going on about bird flue and he was saying the ones in mobs that didn't get it from infected mobs we should bread from as they have resistance to it and if they are on grass they won't get it the devil greens


14 Mar 14:38

The symbol of the medical profession is a snake going up a stick and the snake is what the bible called the devil


13 Mar 03:53

The bible says man has free will so to have true free will we can't put per pressure on you


13 Mar 03:41

See we are not going to force anyone into heaven with per pressure we want you to willingly come to heaven because it's right not like how they tryed to force me to join god i will stay alone for the rest of my life before I do that it's not an option for me after what I've seen from them


13 Mar 03:19

I saw a post on Facebook about 6 months ago and it said the only way a gag order is going to work is if they put a Cork in everyone's mouth it's true isn't it do they think no one is taking about what going on


13 Mar 03:12

Met this guy today in town and he was going on about integrity are we all watching the government of the world integrity is doing the right thing even when you think no one is watching they don't have any do they


13 Mar 00:44

Funny thing is if you Google my sister name and ask if Heather is a weed in NZ it says yes and she thinks she is clever when she can't do anything for her self brain dead fool and the bible says we will bundle up the weeds ready for bunning