Stewart white


Sep 14 at 06:59 AM

Last night after fighting with the Demonds when i shut my eyes i say in my head flusent blue and red patches witch is the cloud the Demonds go when tyer red first then blue when fucked a few days ago i made god think if he got ride of some of his resurveyed are my he would save magic now he realizes that his army is going to get tyer faster and use more magic up we played him like a fiddle again and all the clouds use magic up just got to keep wereing him down every one of the Demonds that falls to hell and stayed there is one less i have to dell with the less there are the more the rest have to do the faster they go to hell



Sep 14 at 06:47 AM

The problem with blowing smok up peoples asses is if there’s a blow back it leaves a foule tamest in your mouth


Sep 14 at 05:32 AM

A lot of builders could help people do diy by telling what they can and can’t do and how to things get paid but do no really work people just need to look for new ways to make money


Sep 14 at 05:23 AM

I saw on the news tonight that a lot of companies are going under and the sheer holders are losing money so the governments attempts to blow smoke up peoples ass is running thin so things must be changing so thats better then a kick in the nuts just confirming what im thinking things are going to speed up now


Sep 12 at 04:18 AM

If i rember right a few weeks ago here the government lowered the instrest rats so banks cut the instrest rates trying to get people to buy houses so the banks don’t lose money from all theses people takeing them selfs out so meany things makeing me think whats in my head is really happening watching you watching me watching you


Sep 12 at 04:01 AM

Thinking about there been less people one of the fuel companies had a promotion were they were taking 20c of fuel getting reall competition now for your bissiness so there’s about 4 things that make me think there’s less people


Sep 12 at 03:48 AM

I saw on a creent afears program a fed days ago some thing about cremating body’s after i was saying about the cemarty been a big garden and you put people ash on ther favorite plants so when ever you see that plant you think of them has ther been a big jump in that now the truth has a way of coming out they can’t cover all basis


Sep 12 at 03:37 AM

A few years ago they were saying here ther was a houseing crisis not enough houses now ther say no one is building homes less Demond witch must mean less people


Sep 12 at 03:34 AM

So they are saying gas is dropping here and Russia still can’t sell oil and all there’s corporations still want there profits it must mean less demand witch must mean less people


Sep 12 at 03:28 AM

Kinda of strang in nz they are saying fuel is dropping and we have to import all our gas yet in the USA they are saying its still high and you produce a lot of your own fuel why is it not dropping over there