Stewart white


Aug 28 at 11:18 PM

If you get a car altnator and run it off an electric motor a low watts motor i got a 250 amp one amps x volts = watts so its will produce 3000 watts witch will just about run our house and it 24/7 its a bit like solar panels they just charg battery’s for at night


Aug 28 at 11:12 PM

If you have lots of billioners thats money out of the ecomeny the more money the av person has the better the ecomeny will do money going around creates jobs witch growers the ecomeny giveing money to the ritch just depletes the ecomeny


Aug 28 at 11:05 PM

You know solar panels will ferment power from a light bulb just a little lower then the sun but you can genaret free power that way


Aug 28 at 11:03 PM

All the branches from trees cut down for timber could be put through a chipper for paper gardens and othe things in stead of been washed down street and blocking bridges up costing people throusdens to clean it up and may be new bridges


Aug 28 at 10:53 PM

We can recycle all our plastic in to fence post for farms and may be boards for houses or fences out door purples and they would last a long and no chemiles into the soil to presumed the timber witch is very toxic


Aug 28 at 10:48 PM

If you grow hemp for paper i think 1 ha of hemp grows the amount of paper as 5ha of trees in one year and you could all so use bamboo i think its the fasted growing plant out so you would reduce the cost of paper and wood and partial boards and you can make other things from it too like the hemp seeds


Aug 28 at 10:42 PM

You could problley get the methane gas out of town and city sueery systems and hook it up to a gas generated and power the town or city and make money to cut rates and at moment its just a wast product were we could be useing it to help us out


Aug 28 at 10:34 PM

If you put solar panels and wind turbine on every street light and put centers on them so lights only come on when cars or people are on street you would save a lot of power you could power city’s and towns for free and maybe make money if you put turbine in gravity freed water lines for towns you creat power for free you want more power built more turbines on dams you could get 3 to 4 times more power for same water used from 1 dam


Aug 28 at 12:39 PM

My cow i look after on licquard fertilizer grass


Aug 28 at 11:39 AM

If the government had it own supermarket change gas stashion insurance company and bank and sold power and phone to the people the profits from those compenys could go to cutting tax’s and the jobs it would creat and the gas compeny what is h2o water the h is hydrogen you can power cars trucks ect on it i made it with salt and car battery and 2 Stanley’s still roads the rods touched blow up the bottal gave me a hell of a fright but think bakening so Ada will be better i making another one from a filter houseing divide into 2 with small holes in didivder to positiv and native of battery i think the negative gives of hydrogen and the positive oxygen so you get a line from the hydrogen to carb you shoul be able to run your car