Stewart white


Aug 28 at 11:39 AM

If the government had it own supermarket change gas stashion insurance company and bank and sold power and phone to the people the profits from those compenys could go to cutting tax’s and the jobs it would creat and the gas compeny what is h2o water the h is hydrogen you can power cars trucks ect on it i made it with salt and car battery and 2 Stanley’s still roads the rods touched blow up the bottal gave me a hell of a fright but think bakening so Ada will be better i making another one from a filter houseing divide into 2 with small holes in didivder to positiv and native of battery i think the negative gives of hydrogen and the positive oxygen so you get a line from the hydrogen to carb you shoul be able to run your car


Aug 28 at 11:25 AM

A lot of low volum roads you wont need to croncret you could just dige down 1 meter fill up with gravel get a solar bass should last years with no work need and here a lot of places have rock slide that cover roads you could use that rock for the bass of the roads you got to shift it so use it in the roads 2 things for the price of one


Aug 28 at 11:17 AM

If the government brought rock qualms and a lime quarry and built a lime burning plant you could build croncret roads for about the same price as roads today and the could last 1000 years there’s Roman bulinds made of croncret standing today about 2000 years old and all you need to is reseale them every 15 years or so they may even last longer how often do you see them replace a croncret bridge


Aug 28 at 11:04 AM

You could have an insurance company and the money you pay them they could lend out to buy houses and thats were they get there profits from and in 30 to 40 years you clame your money back mines clamps and maybe a little handling fee so when you retire you got a nest egg


Aug 28 at 10:47 AM

If you mix 1kg of solid fertilizer in 20 liters of water leav for 6 weeks or more the licquard will be 40% of the solid you put in and wine i use it on the farm i reckon it 30% stronger then the solar it seem to by soil test i used it in a silage paddock at like 1 kg on leaf to 10 kg on soil got 3 bails ha more of 1 paddock and cut less of the paddock as to wet and i use worm juice use to cost us for fert and ure between 30000 to 40000 a year now im 1160 for about 2 years could cut back feather but no use been a ducks ass and found the this sort of fertilizer i dont seem to need to drench stock for worms befor going licquard i had 1 earth worm per square spade now I’ve got 22 and now with the women’s and clover im getting 230 kg ha of n witch most other farmers have to put on farm and the worms put just about the right amount of p k into the soil they help stop leaching by bringing it back up i think the soil can hold 3 times as much water and a lot of other grasses are coming into the paddocks it made farming fun again i would never go back to the old way of farming again stock seem more content on the grass and when stock get into nabours i call them and the come back they seem to like my grass better they break into a paddock with heaps of grass i call back to a paddock low on grass but do shift them


Aug 28 at 07:01 AM

Think I’ve said this here befor but for new to here if the government build its own roads and buys the gear to do it the first few cost the same after that you start Saveing 60% as contractors profits and the army has a lot of the gear to start with any way so would cost nothing to start off if you all start work at different times like 8 9 10 and Finnish at 4 5 6 you take 2/3 of the cars off the road at one time and you wont need so meany new roads


Aug 28 at 06:53 AM

And should a % of petrol be tax deductable as you need it for work


Aug 28 at 06:33 AM

Like here when i was working on the benifet i got 240 a week doing nothing 240 a weeknight and they cut my whole benefit off so by the time you take into account getting to work avatising to get work time out of my day and other things i was worse off working if they still payed what i was paying in tax i might have keeper it up but they would not so the government thinks it better to have on the benifet then to work and support you self i could have cost no tax payer nothing but the government wanted me to cost the tax payer lots


Aug 28 at 06:20 AM

Should minamin wage be based on how much profit you make so companies makeing millions have to pay more then a company struggling to surevie


Aug 28 at 06:15 AM

Why do politishions have to go overseas for meeting now days we have zoom conferences you could save millions a year and in nz when you leave politics you keep the perks of the job no other job do you keep the perks of the job when you leav so why do they we could millions a year if they lost the perks of the job when they leav and nothing is govermented funded its tax payer funded just like every government worker all payed by the tax payer and are you better of with to meany government workers paying them 50000 a year or haveint a higher uninployed end rate paying them 10000 a year Saveing you 40000 a person a year and the more new bissiness you can creat the better off you are as if creat a new bissiness you get that job you get someone off the benifet so you save 1 benifet get 2 pay taxes and the bissiness tax if they hire more people you are better off even more