Stewart white


Aug 28 at 05:36 AM

If i rember right the open of the muppets dose look like a government room we they coat on things we dont have to Chang much


Aug 28 at 05:30 AM

Are they puppets or muppets muppets look funnier maybe we should use muppets it would make politics more fun to watch hey it couldn’t get any worse but be a lot funnyer


Aug 28 at 05:22 AM

I’ve nocited the USA says they will put sanctions on a country befor the un has voted on it to do that the un must be puppets of the USA or they would say we want want the key word but they say we are going to put sacions on them like no other has a voice in the matter but they dont they are all puppets the world could save a lot of money and replace them with blow up dolls you still get the same result just no hiding who the puppeteer is and it would save the country’s of the world a lot of money same with politishions buy blow up dolls save money and find out who the puppeteer is


Aug 28 at 05:09 AM

All theses Teresa nations all have one thing in common the all dropped the USA doller and the USA has never used depomimcey in history they go you do this or we will eater put sanctions on you or bomb you thats not diplomacy diplomacy is you do this and we will do this it give and take the USA just wants to take but no give


Aug 28 at 05:05 AM

The thing is the USA started the Cold War and arms race they told Russia to pull out of hungry i think gave them 24 houses or the would nuclear bomb them Russia pulled out in 12 houses


Aug 28 at 04:51 AM

Just giveing country’s who want to tune there backs on the west the ability to defend them selfs agant the west and if the west want to take on these country’s they will spread them selfs thine witch was hitles mistake takeing on to meany country’s at once every country has the right to chose there own way of life in peace like cubes had no child poverty befor the USA got involved now lots of children are starving because the USA put sanctions on Cuba


Aug 28 at 04:32 AM

The thing is the USA has never won a war agant a rabble force how meany was have the wine since ww2 they didint win keron Vietnam afgastan they have lost more then they have won


Aug 28 at 04:27 AM

The song on now is daddy cool saying she’s crazy like a fool is vp nutting out ha fucking ha ha you push me ill push back have you just lost half your strenth


Aug 28 at 03:54 AM

Like jet fighters look for rad air to target missiles sites speed cameras use the same thing you point a speed camer at a jet fighter it will lunch a missile at you they think its a treat


Aug 28 at 03:48 AM

Every wepon the USA and other country’s have have a week spot like stealth fighters jet Engels heat anti missiles misslies depend on the ones they want to shoot down flying in a Strat line if they move around they can’t be hit you relay to much on teknolegy you become week every thing has a week spot you just got to look for it