Stewart white


Aug 28 at 03:48 AM

Every wepon the USA and other country’s have have a week spot like stealth fighters jet Engels heat anti missiles misslies depend on the ones they want to shoot down flying in a Strat line if they move around they can’t be hit you relay to much on teknolegy you become week every thing has a week spot you just got to look for it


Aug 28 at 03:26 AM

Why had the song by the doors come on whisky bar do they need a drink


Aug 28 at 03:20 AM

I think if you put a strong magnet near a computer it will wipe all the info out so a robotic army could be wiped out by a strong magnetic charg they would be very easy to beat


Aug 28 at 03:12 AM

They trying make me think they have a robotic army now so all you need to do is stop the single getting to them and they are useless you can’t preprogrammed them for every thing befor stop the single and they are fucked they are prolly thermal imageing so dummy’s with the right tempture and they will use all there amo meany ways to beat them big holes in ground the ways to beat a meacheen is end less


Aug 27 at 08:30 PM

I think in the creater world we are all sort of cremated and our ashes are put on our avert plants so a cemetery is jus a big garden it never need to get bigger and you can go see your loved one pick a flower take it home you kinda have part of them at home you put around a plant at hom and every time you see that plant you think of them


Aug 27 at 06:13 PM

If you really think all we are really is NPKS the same stuf you feed your plants every thing comes from the soil


Aug 27 at 05:01 PM

Kind of funny here it ugly takes a 1 to 2 weeks to get to see a doctor yesterday they rung up for mus to see them see goes today at the same time im working with the bull seem like a set up to me they make things stand out like dogs ball they dont know how to be descreat about its so overbus

Aug 26 at 10:05 PM

And if the earth was flat you would not have summer in the north and win the in the south and the middle would be as fare away from the sun as the rest of the world



Aug 26 at 09:53 PM

If the earth was flat there would be a point were the sun would have to disperse complete to come up again it would be dark all over the world at one time you would not have parts of the world were there is eathe 24 houses day or night and it would take the same time to fly boath directions if a global it should be a bit quicker one way then the other as one way it going away from you the other way it’s climbing towards you like they go on about the sea but if you get a bucket of water you swing it round and round over you head and no water comes out the force of the bucket going over your head holds the water in



Aug 26 at 09:39 PM

Youy look at those plans leaving so called vapor trailers if it was the heat vapriosing the water then every car motor bike truck would have them to and if you go back to Vietnam and the planes spraying argent orange it looks the same