Stewart white


Aug 26 at 09:53 PM

If the earth was flat there would be a point were the sun would have to disperse complete to come up again it would be dark all over the world at one time you would not have parts of the world were there is eathe 24 houses day or night and it would take the same time to fly boath directions if a global it should be a bit quicker one way then the other as one way it going away from you the other way it’s climbing towards you like they go on about the sea but if you get a bucket of water you swing it round and round over you head and no water comes out the force of the bucket going over your head holds the water in



Aug 26 at 09:39 PM

Youy look at those plans leaving so called vapor trailers if it was the heat vapriosing the water then every car motor bike truck would have them to and if you go back to Vietnam and the planes spraying argent orange it looks the same


Aug 26 at 09:23 PM

If there’s only 10% difference between us and an animal and i think 50% diffance between us and a plant in dna can all theses sprays be safe for us to use you look at them spraying our food 1 peace suits marks and breathing gear if its that unsafe to use is it safe for us to eat the food its not a food system now days its a chemise system now and not safe for us


Aug 26 at 09:11 PM

I use to put lemon tree leaves and other plants in net bags or put plants like mint in the bathroom for the sent you could use pine needs anything that smell nice to you cost fuck all


Aug 26 at 08:30 PM

They say money dont grow on trees that becaus your growing the wrong plant any plant you can eat or use is money growing on a tree


Aug 26 at 08:27 PM

Like pine needles are a good disfencent thats why it used in the bathroom cleaners its not the smelle it kills the bugs alo Vera is good for dry skin thats why it in a lot of beauty products i brought 1 and split into 7 if you buy plants and look after them you got them for years so like $5 could last you 10 years were you buy a product for $5 it might last you a month think about that how much you could save over 10 years



Aug 26 at 08:15 PM

Coffee grinds are good to keep insets away can’t rember respires but it in a lot of natural insets replers and wrapping sage in tin floe and putting camp fire will keep mosquitoes away there’s a lot out there if you look for them and a lot you all ready have at home


Aug 26 at 08:08 PM

As a rat and mice poison i use 2 teaspoons baking soda 2 teaspoons flour and 1 teaspoon of sugar and mix together the sugar attracted them and the other 2 when in guts Swedes up and kills them and safe for other animals to eat dont kill the eco system off


Aug 26 at 07:39 PM

Like mint and peppermint will keep ants rats and mice away marigolds are good in vegetable gardens as keep bugs away from eating them wood ash will keep slugs and snakes of young plants


Aug 26 at 07:29 PM

If you plant plants that attract dragonfly’s one droganfly can eat 100 mosquitoes a day and its a long term answer to the problem like plants that keep mosquitoes away like rosemary mint lavander lemongrass they smell good you can put them in food to tast better and they have health benefit