Stewart white


Aug 20 at 04:06 AM

The thing is I’m kinda of fighting in 2 worlds this one and the one i want but as I’m not a dictor i dont know what type of world you want to live in one with money or with out some might be abrade with no money i my world we all have a say not just a few as i dont know you all i dont know what you like about the world i want and dont like about it and the improvements you have come up with people will be makeing improvements on what i say and new ideas thats good every one has a say in your world its not mine its yours


Aug 20 at 02:34 AM

You will prolly find if every thing is free and you got burnout pads and race tracks drinking and drug use will drop as youn people will want to do things especly if you only work 2.5 days a week so much other things they could do if every thing is free a lot of thing you need to be strat to do


Aug 20 at 02:28 AM

These people are trying to say i will get kids into meth but every time i used it i got locked up in a mental instune and I burned my my car i dont want anything to do with it or people who use it the ones i know who used it all started stealing from me they can stay the fuck away from me some other drugs i want to take but if Lillie’s it you can have controlled how much a week they can have the quality of the dr know whats in the drugs it would make drugs safer and save lifes they have been trying to stop it for like 90 years and it getting worse and kids are dieing from dodgy drugs if something is brok or not working you fix it they only want money they dont care about kids lifes just the money they can get from it and i think the government is the biggest importer of them hey the old pm here her hubby was a meth dealer and they would make a lot more money if its against the law

Aug 20 at 12:46 AM

The Bible calls the devil the snake and a medical assonance has it as its symbol so is there meciden safe

Aug 20 at 12:40 AM

May be I can’t rember were i saw it but sounds right


Aug 19 at 10:48 PM

If you go back to slavery the Freemason symbol was on the slave changes so the Freemasons are linked to slavery and if you look at were Wall Street is it right nex to were the slave markets were at around the same time so I you can link the stock market to slavery


Aug 19 at 10:25 PM

Like in New Zealand a dairy compeny sheer holders can get gas 21 c cheeper then pump price and the compeny is still makeing a profit 21 c cheeper so it shows you how much they are ripping you off on pump price and here there are ment to be laws about price gulping so the gas compenys and apple and a lot of other compenys should be taken to court for price gulging


Aug 19 at 10:15 PM

If all these big compenys like manufactures and retailers sold every thing 25% cheeper they would still make millions and millions profit and every thing would be 50% cheeper like apple it cheapest iPhone and most expencef one they both cost about the same to make and they make a profit from the cheapest one so the diffance between the 2 is just profit like i was looking at double plugs a left one was$3 and a right was about $6 so the diffance was profit as they have to cost the same to make


Aug 19 at 09:45 PM

It’s prolly like our power compenys there’s a line compeny so they charge the power retakes a fee witch is probly$30 and they charge us $60 $30 to receive it and pass it on its more then you use in power cost so they charge a $30 handling fee


Aug 19 at 09:35 PM

In New Zealand we have 2 big phone compenys who have a network and about 6 others who buy usage of it now these 6 compenys make a profit doing cheeper and buying usages so these 2 big must be just ripping people as they are still makeing a profit from the 6 others and they are makeing a profit doing it cheeper witch should not work if they were looking after the av person it only works if they are looking after the ritch sheer holders