Stewart white


Jul 17 at 06:07 AM

I think the whol world thinks they all took an acid trip and freaking what the fucks going on

Jul 17 at 06:00 AM

Power Saveing box and the power usege august last year is very high as we used the dryer a lot as sick but in middel of winter now and last month used down



Jul 17 at 05:57 AM

When i graded the track it took about 9 months to fix i graded it filled knowing they would come back but i just keeped grading each time the holes got smaller its like a road it takes time to fill a hole just putting lose metal in a hole and selling wont becaus when it packed back down you got the hole again and rollers wont work you can stand on a 100 nails picking up but you can’t stand on one nailed standing up the 100 nails the weight is spread you need to grade then roll then grade and roll to the holes stop its the only way to fix a road but the contractors dont want to fix the roads it would lower profits in the futrea


Jul 17 at 05:18 AM

You know the missies the USA and uk are giveing to ukreen are depleted ureinmen radio atavice so are the kinda useing buckler weapons a go look at Iraq or Iraq were the USA took hasane out see if there’s more cancer ther then other country’s they used them there too


Jul 17 at 05:09 AM

You know when you get an X-ray they go stand behind a led wall so how safe are they for you and dont know if true or not but i saw a letter from a doctor from i think 1855 to the 1900 on fb and he never saw cancer until they started vaxing for cow pox’s and only in vaxed people we dont know now every one gets vaxed now days for something


Jul 17 at 05:00 AM

If the earth gos around the sun and solar clear can knock out compunctions on earth how can we contact satlights going to mars when we are on the other side of the sun and if everything goes around the sun at the same speed as earth stars million of light years must be moving millions of light years a day it dont add up to me


Jul 17 at 03:50 AM

1 / 2
2 / 2

The power usage and power saving box



Jul 17 at 03:35 AM

I brought some power Saveing boxes Googal it it seem to work we are in the middel and the power ist going by much and it did drop mine is a white plug with a gree light across the front they just plunge in you might get it from Ali express mine was $14 to door so it might be half that for you our money is worth fuck all i got about 20 just buy a few and see if works get more you need Dubai plugs for them maybe i do


Jul 17 at 03:21 AM

If your battery’s in your remote dont work take them out and put back in if that dont work there’s usely only one battery thats flat and you can buy alkaline battery chargers for the desposbil battery’s you can recharge them i got one haven’t brought any for years the proper rechargeable cost to much


Jul 17 at 03:12 AM

You take roswell why was the army so insured in a wether blood and pick up all the precise if it was a wether blood they would have just left it behind for the people to clean up but a ufo the would want all the precise and clean up every thing