Stewart white


Jul 17 at 03:08 AM

You take rosewell and the ufo if it was a wether blood why did the army take all the peace’s why was the army so insured in a wether blood if it was a wether blood they would have just left it behind for the people to clean up on the other hand if a ufo they would want all the pieces wouldn’t they


Jul 17 at 02:59 AM

They say they landed on the moon well Neal Armstrong was ment to left a foot print in the dus outside the craft look when it takes off no dust jet Engels blast down on dust no dust but on earth clouds of smoke the moon walk no gravity on the moon so when they jump they should stay floating non come back down bunny cords on earth


Jul 17 at 02:36 AM

The government loves saying it cost the country so much if the use the army for a civil defence thing or the police for a murder bullshit your paying them anyway it cost the same everyday and we shoul use the army and Air Force more for lost people Lin the bush it would be good training for them


Jul 17 at 02:27 AM

Eating for a fine day to mowe the lawns with my similar solar powered lawn mower just and mains powered lawn mower a car battery solar panel and an inverter be carefull buying inverters they are only half what they say so 1000 watt inverter is only 500 watt it will peak to a 1000 but for a very sort time false a vesting to me like laptops they say it has so much memory but they fill it up with app its only about half free to me that’s false a vesting witch is against the law here most of the apps on my laptop i dont use and can’t delist them to free up space so the laptop should be free with the amount of money they get from putting on all those apps just a shame so you go back and buy a bigger on


Jul 17 at 02:14 AM

Saw a funny post on fb the opposer leader in government put a pitch of himself is he shitting him self I accused him of war crimes some times silanes says more then words or likes most post i like the most I forget to like im fluent in reading between the lines have they forgot that they have spent 24 years beating the same dead house its a skelltion now and they think its going to get up and run im all ways coming up with new ways to fight and new ideas they’re just keep doing the same old thing


Jul 17 at 01:11 AM

If doctors give you more then one drug have they been tested together if not they dont know if they are safe together by them self they maybe together they dont know there’s been no trail like a peanut can kill penacilen can kill some things are safe for most but not everyone like you look at the melting point of led and the melting point of tin you put them together and get solder the melting point is lower then boath you dont know how things work together it can be unexpeded


Jul 16 at 11:42 PM

I drink from a copper mug it makes water alkaline from the copper hot water line my teeth are fucked since dreking alkaline water my teeth have stoped breaking dose it stretches them ?


Jul 16 at 11:39 PM

Willow tree bark can be used as a rooting hormone for taking cuttings from plants i think alovera can be used as well


Jul 16 at 11:28 PM

Chickens are good to have you get eggs they eat the seeds in the garden so dont need to weed as much they eat bugs i use lawn clippings on the garden to keep weeds down make compost fertizer and feed my worm farms with it and now trying to make methane gas from it one very useful thing we throu away


Jul 16 at 11:20 PM

They say money dont grow on trees you just growing the wrong plant if you can eat it or use it you are growing nmoney