Stewart white


Sep 10 at 08:49 AM

Had a pretty good week since Friday went to chech on my bee hives in June had no bees 4 hives wiped out went down Friday to stak one hive as cows knocke it over saw i had 2 hives with bees in them had them checked today for legal requrmints they were good heaps of young bees heaps of food must have hives in a good place for 2 swarms to move in like last Saturday i was going to buy 8 fruit but the person i asked to look at hive came a week rely then i hoped so decided to only by 4 fruit trees witch was good as could not have got 8 in I’ve learn if things dot go as you plan there’s a good reason for that when thing dot go well for me it uselly works out better later on when you look back so legend not to stress out when things dont go as planed


Sep 10 at 08:11 AM

You can’t rember the pain of a broken arm or punched lung you just know it heart but you can rember the pain that drove you to drive into a brick wall i driven a van for 30 min its with a broken arm and broken ribs befor the pain of going round corners got toi much and knowing i had 30 min it’s more in a city befor getting to the holstabl the things that happen when you jame the gas on on a motor bike so you can ride with no hands hit a rock and flipped the bike ended up facing the other way but didint get high enough to get it right


Sep 10 at 07:54 AM

I look at all the car crashes I’ve had I’ve rolled 2 cars been in one ripped in hale jus behind were i was sleeping hit 1 power pole can’t rember how meany minor crashes then there’s the nerve miss but they dont count its like saying i just about won lotto but i didint buy a ticket they just dont count i get to say im ment to be here maybe it becaus i know the felling when your dead if i died when i had remit it feaver and rose above my bed and started spinning befor been backi in my bead and i forgot about driving into a brick wall toi kill myself its like I can’t get out of this place i felt nothing hitting the brick wall it only heart when i knew i was alive punched lung every breath heart like fuck


Sep 10 at 07:34 AM

When i was 5 years old i had rematch fever when i had i flit like my hand would smell up like blondes and a few times it felt like i rose up above my bed but when i got to about 1 neater high above it i would start spinning head over heals a few times then i was back in my bed i rember out like yesterday befor i started spinning it was like peace


Sep 10 at 02:35 AM

Just saw on fb the other side had a come back if plan a dont work there’s 25 other letters in the alphabet they must be at w or x by now becaus there plane a didint work none of there planes seem to be working too well do they


Sep 09 at 03:19 AM

If you take photos of who you vote for you have profe of who you voted for and if figures dont add up you could take it to court you have deviance to prove the elections were riged


Sep 09 at 03:03 AM

I was watching tonight and it had trump at 48% the vp at 47% and they said 28% was undiced how dos that work thats over 100% something is wrong there 23% more then 100% there maths dont add up


Sep 08 at 06:29 AM

The creater didint come to kill he has one to save we ha not spent 24 years just to kill but save got to think about the kids if there mum or dad or grand parents go to hell how would they fell it such a final place to go they would never get over it thats hy we have come to save not kill but will when the time comes i think he has all ready when i was on the look out i played jethro Tull besty and the brodsawd last song first to first song last i think he struck we will again


Sep 08 at 05:37 AM

There’s a song by meat life 2 out of 3 anit bad he wants you he needs you but there anit no way he’s ever gonning to love you he just wants you for the kids how would it make the kids fell if there mum and dad went to hell


Sep 08 at 05:22 AM

The thing if the creater stuck to his organelle plane of good and bad not one of us would make it that would heart him and all the angels in heaven and he only really blames the devil for all our sins like the Bible say we are all sinners but if you start wit good carding people willing to work together you got a pretty good place to start from to get his world back it took 24 years because we came to save not to kill a loving father will fight hard for his children and hell is such a final place to go you never get out