Stewart white


Sep 08 at 04:55 AM

A lot of Christian’s think gays and lesbians are going to go to hell i dont think the creater is going to send people to hell for loving another person hating others i can see him sending those sort of peopl to hell loseing some one would be at the bottom of the list no it the top hate is well higher then love would be to send to hell



Sep 08 at 04:36 AM

Don’t throw you old tv cell phones away the civet boards the gold lines on them i think are gold thats money your throwing money away


Sep 08 at 04:30 AM

I were a lot of ex army close as they have had millions spent on theme to be good all round close to were on the farm sick solders dont fight well so the governments have spent millions on these close for the solder


Sep 08 at 03:46 AM

The band elo living thing says you and you sweet designing to me higher and higher or deep purple super trooper you makeing me shine good songs to listen to


Sep 08 at 03:42 AM

I have said we will builder the creater world in front of the devil and he wont be able to do anything about it i think we are doing that right now people combing up with new thing all the time things are getting ready to go and he can’t stop us we are destroying his world in front of his eyes like he done to the creater and the children on earth are doing it for the creater the creater is just sitting back laughing watching plan a Danny waroholes we all sing about it


Sep 08 at 03:25 AM

Have you noticed the USA president calls him self the leader of the free world and live in the whit house yet you have to pay for everything yet my last name is white and i think everything should be free think about that


Sep 08 at 02:23 AM

There was a movie the hunger games were they put towns against towns to fight for food i think dont think i saw it but rember it is that what they are planing to do



Sep 08 at 01:13 AM

The Bible says Jesus helped the blind to see and the crippled to walk well am i helping the blind to see by saying these things they could not see befor now they see it people who were scared and crippled are walking towards the light now is that what is ment helping the blind to see showing what’s really going on in the world


Sep 08 at 12:58 AM

You know in sports they say who’s hungry for it is that what happened at Jesus last supper did the Roman’s try to starv them to fight over a meal and Jesus broke the bread up and watered down the win so everyone had some just a throught


Sep 06 at 04:53 PM

They say sugar is bad for us but dont know if you look at a pitcher of people at the beach in the 70 no fat people so is it sugar they had that back then but no so much processed food witch is strang as needs a lot of work to make and cheeper to buy then healthy foods witch needs not much to produce is the healthy food sudadising the processed foods