Stewart white


Jul 13 at 03:40 PM

And who owns the world bank they can’t just make money i think its the kink old big ears dumbo got the money from stealing land and lives of the people of the uk the richest beneficent in the world


Jul 13 at 03:33 PM

If the USA got ride of the brush on the 4th of July why Canada British i think its close to Washington DC so its a hoxe


Jul 13 at 03:26 PM

Why dose joe Biden go on about peace in the middel east between Israel and the pelastines when he’s still selling weapons to Israel and the Arab nabours are sell oil to Israel just for looks but really doing nothing giveing Israel the green light to go ahead with it


Jul 13 at 03:03 PM

Haveint billioners is not good for the ecomeny they take a lot of money out of the ecomeny you give money to the poor they spend it creating jobs more opptunet new bessiness you go back to me saying the government should have a supermarket change and things you think how meany jobs that would creat thats got to be good for the ecomeny the ritch dont spend money they dont get that ritch by spending money bad for the ecomeny


Jul 13 at 02:45 PM

On the farm I’m running fert and urea bill has gone from between 30000 to 40000 a year to 1160 a year or for two i make my own fert up mainly worm juice and to top up the N P K S Ca MG I Sock 10 kg of solar fert in 200 l of water for at lest 6 weeks i use dap sulphat of potash sulphat 90% urea lime mg occide and use no mor then 3 l for 5 ha put some of the potash on some silage paddocks 20 l for 5 ha grow 4 balius silage more then ugly and cut less of paddock as to wet could get stuck and use 40 l worm juice for 5 ha and having drench cows for worms now for 3 years and cows like grass better as if they get on nabours with grass i call then they come back to get shifted jump the fence


Jul 13 at 02:29 PM

Are cell phone towers acting like micawaves heating up the world it kinda like how a micawave works


Jul 13 at 02:27 PM

I think electrey is heating up the world as i put an earthing sheet on my bed in summer and it was like a cool breeze came through the room and all summer it was cool but did put sticky tin floral tape on all the electric cords and earth them out to lower emf in my room since doing been sleeping really well when i sleep as here the emf reader reads 1500 no tin folio withe it earthed out nothing


Jul 13 at 01:59 PM

How dot you think positions get bribs these days the sheer market buy low and sell high and its all set up and looks leget


Jul 13 at 01:21 PM

They say people are gluten and lactos intorlent not true they spray crops before harvesting and feed cows feed thats been sprayed for faster crop tune around your intorlent to the weed killer and fly spray and weed killer aren’t good for us as there’s only 10% dna between us and an animal and earther 25 or 50% diffance between us and a plant so its just as harmful to us as to theme


Jul 13 at 01:16 PM

Is a nutrel ph direct good for us plants do best in clos to nutrel ph soil are we the same and as a Rex dairy farmer you stop giveing present comes calcume like 6 weeks befor birth as it makes them sick or can kill and start giveing them magnesium’s 6 weeks befor giveing birth as they get a lack of Engerning if you dont and give calcium and mgnusseme after birth for like 3 month so are we the same as there is only 10% diffance between us and an animal in dna