Stewart white


Jul 13 at 01:07 PM

In my country if you supply one of the dairy company’s you get 21c l of gas at the pump and they still makeing a profit from that so they are just ripping you off left right and center


Jul 13 at 01:04 PM

If big company’s sold every thing 25% cheeper like the manufacturer and retailer you would get every thing 50% cheeper and they would still make millions and millions of profit you take iPhone you look at the cheapest one and most expencef one but they cost about the same to make and they make 50% profit from the cheapest one so how much profit from the most expencef one


Jul 13 at 12:59 PM

If you put solar panels or wind turbines on every street light in towns or city’s and the solar panel below the light and put senders on the poles so light only comes on when cars or people are on the street they could have free power if you want more power built more turbines on dams you could get 3 to 4 times more power from a dam with the same amount of water


Jul 13 at 12:52 PM

Have you nocited that when the government builds something and it goes over budget or time you were the cost but when a privet compeny dose it the contractor where’s the cost


Jul 13 at 12:48 PM

If the government had its own supermarket and gas stashion change and banks and insurance compeneys and all the profits went to the government you could cut taxes and if insurance comepys took you money and lent it out the home buyers that could be there profits and you could get all the mone you paid them back mines climes


Jul 13 at 12:43 PM

If the government built its own roads you would save 60% after a few roads as getting gear but that 6y0% is the contractors profit and the army has a lot of the gear all ready so why aren’t we useing them it would only cost metreal we all ready paying them


Jul 13 at 12:36 PM

They say that globle warming is making the ice melt and the sea to rise you put ice in a bowl fill to top with water it dont overflow water expands when frozen you fill a bowl up with just water to top and rut a rock in it it over flows water displace t it all the ships in the sea


Jul 13 at 12:30 PM

They say the dinasaws died out from an ice age so why do we have crocodiles and turtles lizards snakes they should have died out too in an ice age i reckon they were so big they eat everything and died bout from starvasion


Jul 13 at 12:24 PM

They say the higher you go up in a plane the colder it gets but you are closer to the sun colder air is heavier then hot so should be hotter and dose gravity get less the higher you go so is outer space closer then they say?


Jul 13 at 11:49 AM

If you put lawn clipping or food scraps in a bucket with water and put the lid back on with a car there valve and a pipe going to another scald bottal with vege oil in it to one with water with the inlet pipe going to bottom and out let at top you can run a gas cooker on it methane gas