Sam I’m not too sure. It’s more about the reasons (intent and choices) that got you there, not so much the coma itself per se. I’m not really conversant with the Hebrew context and details, and certainly do not claim to be across it all, though I do share similarities in understanding.
If the soul is reset, then it returns to Source/God as pure energy, however the identity of that entity is stripped or reset.
It is rare, in my understanding, for the demonics (or similar entities) to reach a higher state of consciousness where they wish to progress to a higher density of consciousness. Effectively, the highest they can reach is 5th density (maybe 6th?), but they’re unable to progress beyond this without making other choices that transform from “self-serving” to “service to others”.
They’re the contrast to the light, however they have limitations of evolution along their inorganic (dark) path. These souls can be reset when they continue violating natural laws, not just because there’s judgment on their abhorrent breaches of natural laws, but because their consciousness is deeply embedded in the darkness, that their light/soul energy is cut off from Source.
It’s not so much just a crime that’s performed, it’s the depth and context of those crimes/sins/breaches etc that influences the reset. In other words, the consciousness is representative of the state at which this is self determined as a course of action to be reset….as far as the significance of the acts are concerned.
People want to know all the nuances of the rules, but the rules are governed by natural energetic laws, which are overseen by those placed to protect or shield the different realms and veils. For example, an entity may try to reach the veil of a higher vibrational density, they’re not prevented from entering the density because they can wander around, they’re prevented from entering so they do not destroy themselves by virtue of their resonance.
I’ve digressed a bit, so back to your question, as I have already said, my understanding is that once we “reset”, our divine spark/soul has returned to Source and we no longer have our identity that we knew. However, all is known and recorded.
If I’m ever reset, it doesn’t bother me, because I return to Source, and I’m still part of Source. Also, if I evolve into the higher social consciousness complex, say at 7th Density or beyond, the outcome is similar to that of reintegrating with Source as a reset (there’s more to it, but just trying to illustrate the point that most people fear). So, reset is just a process. If our ego is in fear of losing our identity, then we should ask ourselves more questions as to what the basis of that fear is.
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Oct 29 at 02:47 AM
You’re welcome Georgie-Ann, thanks for the feedback. 🙏😊