June 30

Do you know that the soul of your descendant chose you for his parents even before he was born?

The soul travels to infinity and when it decides where it wants to be reborn, then it becomes aware of its experiences, memories and past contracts it went through before incarnation.

When she decides to return here, she chooses her parents. She hopes to learn more activities and experiences during this new life opportunity.

Be grateful that you have a child, be happy that his soul decided to join your family and learn from you.

This is the biggest honor you can receive, even if you don't feel ready to raise a child.

But you really do have everything the soul needs to thrive in the environment it has chosen to be reborn.

As a parent, you have a long way to go where you have to be responsible for guiding that soul to the path of goodness so that the mission of that being can be accomplished.

Each soul decides which family can help it fulfill its life mission so that it can learn what it takes to fulfill it. And the job of the parents is to direct that soul.

Although life can be difficult at times, there are moments, good and sad, when parents should never regret what they have to go through to grow their child.

Remember, you have been chosen for the greatest mission in your life: to give the soul a physical body, which is actually a Divine Blessing.
Author unknown
Love and Light 🌞