August 09

Gratitude, Gladatude and Grabatude.

I hope you noticed the catchy title, I hope it makes you think and want to read this message.

Gratitude is a heartfelt emotion, it's a Soul Emotion, as One's Soul is usually filled to the brim with Grat i tude..

That attitude of heartfelt thankfulness...that insight of Inspiration. And oh yes a very stable vibration...

Gratitude is usually seen and's not a thought or idea.

Gladatude is another emotion, yet it is a mind emotion, more thought, not heartfelt...

Glad a tude is felt when someone is Glad something happened to or for someone else.

Gladatude is a 2 way street, you could be glad in a good way..."I'm glad they had the baby boy they wanted"....

That is a good gladatude...

The other side is not so good, but it is still embraced by many. "I'm glad that didn't happen to me"...

Grabatude, that is not really an emotional at all, but it is embraced by many as an uncontrollable want or need, a compulsion...

Not usually even felt, as many are comfortable with greed and jealousy and it's kind of thoughts...and thats what Grab a tude is about...

It's about asking for things others have...asking they lose that thing, or just wanting gets angry when others receive.

Emotions and thoughts go from mind to heart. Flow through energy, matters. Even a moment when One embraces All There Is, and faces the world.

Embrace Gratitude. Just be thankful, just say Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Love to you
--author unknown --