May 08

Robert Edward Grant says there's a possible 14th zodiac sign🤯

If you watched this past Monday Night Live with the guest appearance of Robert Edward Grant, your mind was probably just as blown as all of ours on the UNIFYD team.

He made a lot of connections between the zodiac and his discoveries in the pyramids of Egypt. Did you know that there are actually evolutions to each zodiac sign? Most sites only address 3 different levels, but REG suggests that there is also a 4th if you include ALL the constellations as decans within the astrology system.

Now if you recall earlier in The Pyramid Code series, "Ray" mentions a 13th zodiac, which REG discusses the deeper meaning behind Ophiuchus, The Serpent Bearer, in the live Q&A. However, he believes there is ALSO a 14th zodiac sign.

Read the article below to learn more about the 13th and 14th zodiac signs👇

And check out this article to learn about the different evolutions of the zodiac👇

Does your birthday fall within the dates of these two signs and if so, how do you resonate with them?