July 25
• Edited (Jul 25, 2024)

We all know that we can fight, flee or freeze as a result of trauma. But it is less known that there is an important 4th trauma response in an original series of survival behavior, namely 'fawn' (adaptation). This behavior mainly occurs in adults who, as a young species, have to adapt to survive. As long as they felt invisible but invisibly complete, got good grades at school, took care of their mother or the dear peace, they perceived safety for themselves. By carefully reading the behavior of others and attuning to it, they discount themselves. As a result, a good connection with one's own thoughts and needs cannot be established. Moreover, it takes a lot of energy to keep one's own feelings inside and to fake relaxation while the antennas remain sharply tuned. It is therefore not surprising that chronic depression and exhausting physical complaints can arise. Becoming aware of your pleasing behavior and underlying causes can be a first step. A professional can guide and support so you regain insight into your own needs and boundaries, creating space to find your way back to yourself and heal.

~Author unknown