April 01

What is the story behind April Fool's Day?🃏

While it is seen as a day of fun and games, perhaps the history behind it is rooted more in a change that was meant to create confusion and disrupt our natural rhythmic cycles.

Some say it came about when the world switched from the Julian Calendar to the Gregorian Calendar. When the switch was made, people started celebrating the New Year on January 1st, when New Years was previously celebrated in the spring time. Due to the change, it took some time for people to adopt the new holiday and some even continued to celebrate the New Year on April 1st, appearing to be an "April Fool".

It would make sense that the New Year would start in the spring though because that is when the Astrological New Year starts as well.

We already see other ways that our natural cycles have been disrupted, from following a 12 month calendar year when there are 13 moon cycles in a year (and a 13th zodiac sign if you've watched The Pyramid Code) to following along with the concept of day light savings, springing forward and falling back each year.

Check out some of the greatest April Fool's Day Hoaxes at the bottom of this article:
