April 19

Why is April 20th, 2024 such a big day energetically?!✨

Many people were concerned about events that could happen as a result of this past Solar Eclipse. There was a lot of fear built up around an event that happens twice a year, however, no one other than astrologers seem to be talking about the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction happening tomorrow; a rare astrological event that takes place only about every 14 years (One of those times being at the height of WWII)!

To understand what type of events can take place, it's important to look back on past events that happened under the same transit, as well as current events leading up to this date (The talk of a new currency system being a big one, tied in with the theme of Taurus).

This isn't shared to stir up even more fear, but to empower everyone to realize the radical change that can take place. Expect whatever happens to reshape the world over the next coming years. Let's use this energy to manifest positive change and welcome in a better way of life for the collective!

Read more in the article below to learn about the significance of Jupiter and Uranus, major events/breakthroughs that happened in the past, and ways to work with this energy individually.👇
