
Aug 27 at 09:46 AM

Unknown cannibalism. The word Bal is in can-ni-bal-ism. WT#?

Aug 27 at 09:38 AM


Aug 21 at 12:26 PM

Check out The Way back Machine. The internet arcive. Great for research.

Commented on TLS Update

Aug 21 at 12:10 PM

Whitney Webb talks about the very serious potential evils of this Digital currency. She goes into great detail about it on her website Unlimited Hangout. If you want to understand better the origins of the Rothschilds check out the documentary The sequel to The Fall Of The Cabal. It is incredible information and with some parts, especially the ones dealing with Kissenger, eugenics, and planed parenthood, viewer discretion is advised.

Commented on TLS Update

Aug 21 at 11:48 AM


Aug 21 at 06:06 AM

The islands of fear and love.

Aug 21 at 06:04 AM

Wow. He's like I'm going to pass this test..

Aug 21 at 05:54 AM

The Test is real. He's right. This is the experience to that which will lead to totally being his conviction. I failed a big test recently. I believed I was something that I was tested on and I got an F. Hang in there Tate, get the A+.

Aug 21 at 05:49 AM

Yes,exactly. He should say it often.

Aug 21 at 05:45 AM

We are going to politely decline...