
Commented on Exposing the System

Jul 07 at 09:54 AM

Yes join CHD. I'm a member.

Commented on The Revolution | India

Jul 04 at 03:00 PM

I'm in the theater now. I'm early.

Check Greg out👍

I really enjoy Greg Carlwood's TheHighersidechats. He is an interviewer exstroidinare. It's a podcast so I don't know how that would work. He has had some incredible guest speakers.

Commented on Beauty

Jun 28 at 08:30 PM

So cute.

Jun 28 at 08:20 PM

I am Loving the new Unifyed Tv platform. It's fantastic. Just an idea. Commercials. Now, now, let me finish. Commercials by vetted companies like the The Wellness Company. Or shorts about new EES openings or short Testimonies that promote all the great content on UFTV. Just a suggestion. It's fantastic as is too. Thank you Jason and team.

Commented on DISCLOSURE 7

Jun 27 at 09:27 AM

The Rothschild are one family that decended from the Luciferiean Khazars. The LK migrated from sumer and over time infiltrated the entirety of Europe and eventually the world. They call us the goyem. Watch this documentary it's all in there.

Commented on DISCLOSURE 7

Jun 27 at 09:17 AM

They're ba'al worshipers. Luciferiean khazars. They hate Jews because of what happened during the reign of the Jewish king Ahab and his evil ba'al worshiping wife Jezabel.