Drew Fra

Fort Wayne, IN, United States

Jun 13 at 02:01 PM

Hello Gaylene and welcome!


Jun 11 at 05:26 PM

VANDORN HINNANTI am not familiar with that facebook group. I will check it out.

Replied on Hello Everyone!

Jun 07 at 02:32 PM

Gemstarr77 To follow someone, first you have to be logged in, then click on the person's name, and that will take you to their profile, then click the follow box at the top of the page.


Replied on Hello Everyone!

Jun 07 at 01:06 PM

Hi Gemma, I just followed you. I had to go in and change my username to what I was using here before so friends could find me.


Jun 07 at 12:03 PM

Joel Todd It's like the want to be YouTube without the censorship, which is a good thing, but what about those of us who spent more time socializing here?


Jun 07 at 11:22 AM

Eileen Davis I agree. I was hoping for a significant improvement with this new format, but I'm beginning to think it isn't going to be any better. Unifyd, just wants to be another video platform and they really don't care about their subscribers interacting with each other. I don't want to sound negative, but after spending all that time and effort creating groups and making friends to have to start over and then to not have the ability to gather people with the same interests together so we can have discussions is frustrating.

I have a personal pet peeve about having black backgrounds and white letters. What brilliant person came up with this color scheme and then not give us the ability to change colors?


Jun 05 at 02:46 PM

VANDORN HINNANT I know we can create our own reality with our thoughts and that thoughts are very powerful. If we all come together with a similar vision, it will have more power and it will be created sooner. ❤🤍


Jun 05 at 11:30 AM


As an old soul, I understand what you are saying but when there is no order, no way to connect with friends that we made on the previous platform, and no consideration for the time and effort put into building groups and maintaining friendships, then that just tells me that Unifyd is just acting like Big Brother - "Do our our way and like it!" When you aren't responsive to your customers, your customer's will go elsewhere. My guess is the exodus has already begun. Unifyd better fix what they broke or members will first stop coming as often and eventually they will just stop coming period.



Jun 04 at 01:25 PM

I am a paid member been a member since December of 2020. The Library/Watch section is as good as it was before, but the social side isn't very good. It feels like Twitter and I'm not a fan of Twitter, that's why I'm not on there.

I miss the groups. I miss the people that I had friended, I miss the private messages and discussions we used to send. I am beginning to think if this doesn't improve pretty quickly this may be my last year here.

The videos are good but I could live without them not see much of a change in my life.


I think they are still working on the site. I also asked if we were going to get the groups back. To reply, make sure that you are signed in. It seems like a simple thing but I had someone else say the same thing and then found out that they weren't logged in. I hope this helps.
