Lauren Piper

Apr 25 at 11:25 AM

Hi beautiful, what are the added benefits of going for the plus?

Apr 25 at 08:19 AM

Beautiful illustration

Apr 12 at 02:04 AM

Read it again x

Mar 28 at 01:17 PM

Haha love this love being a weirdo ❤️


Commented on 😂

Mar 28 at 01:16 PM

Same so hard isn’t it x

Mar 28 at 01:08 PM

Agreed, when ever I see one I’m like ergh 🤣

Mar 28 at 01:07 PM

There’s no polarity between them we are both. Some choose to show their traits other don’t. I’m an empath and my ex was apparently a narcissist but there just labels to cover up the truth and it’s trauma that causes these behaviours. I have both traits yet I’m a lovely person who puts others first. It’s more that empaths think they lack power and narcs think they lack love when really it was in us the whole time. Just my opinion x


Mar 28 at 12:17 PM

and I’m proud to be a soppy one too 🤣

Mar 27 at 06:03 PM

Daddy Dragon I am in the mist of corruption from my own government. I stood up and said NO. The system has a lot to answer for in the UK they are taking peoples children for nothing because people keep signing their rights over to them. Are you familiar with strawman - nature of the cage? I do agree. I like these T’s 🤣 as much as it seems silly it’s still getting people talking which leads to awareness. do your inner work and these opportunities will come to you. I’ve had to do a lot of shadow work recently and the emotion code by Bradley Nelson is also a great tool. D’martini does payment plans so I’m going to head in that direction. Good luck on your mission ❤️


Mar 26 at 04:40 PM

Daddy Dragon think bigger picture. I also struggled to understand but the money they are making as an organisation is going back into it. Have you noticed the new content, it’s changing lives. I agree with you that there is however a financial crisis in most countries and bringing down prices would bring awareness quicker. I know it’ might seem that way for me and you but they are all doing this for a reason… remember ray said they are all trying to get money together to end poverty. I can’t afford the courses of workshops but we have to sacrifice that just for a while. Remember there’s people in warzones that don’t have a place to call safe. We have. Hard to have a bigger perception but you were chosen to see for a reason. The change is causing all of us to feel emotional. Including me so if you want to chat feel free x
