Lauren Piper

Mar 26 at 04:13 PM

Sherif Osman also I don’t watch the news full stop. Not because of left or right or middle or back wing just because I never have. I don’t follow any trends I believe in love, compassion and unity. There all just labels to divide us from the truth. Labels create false narrives and narratives create reality. Let’s discuss this matter like grown ups rather than you accusing me of being a news watcher 😉

Mar 26 at 04:09 PM

Sherif Osman no. Experience is where I’ve got my information. “Knowledge is just knowledge without awareness” experience is where you gain awareness. If you read my comment originally it was saying I agree with you. Their plan is to destroy the family unit. It worked. I’m not disagreeing with you I am however disagreeing with you getting information off daily mail (mainstream) on how women actually feel, why not ask one?

Mar 26 at 03:55 PM

Sherif Osman I’m not your local government. I didn’t say you can’t express your “opinion” but that’s just “your” opinion on it. Spread truth not judgement. I’m sure you haven’t been pregnant so actually that is a very valid point. I’ve actually been in this situation and I can speak for many others that are faced with this horrific choice. I can assure you that 98% are not doing it for convenience more likey out of FEAR so yes your “opinion” is actually a limited belief with limited truth. If you read my original comment I’m not disagreeing that they are wrong. You got this from the media so don’t you think it’s abundant with BS?

Mar 26 at 03:22 PM

Omg same 😂

Mar 26 at 03:18 PM

Actually as a man you have no right to comment on that. Some people are in situations where they had to split from their violently abusive partner so having a third child as single mother would make life unbearable for some. This community is about compassion not judgement. Everyone knows abortions are wrong and most probably wanted to keep their babies. This is what keeps the evil going… division

Mar 26 at 03:11 PM

♥︎999♥︎ off topic, 711 any ideas what the true meaning of it is?


Mar 26 at 03:10 PM

♥︎999♥︎ angers me, I’m not Cherokee Indian but family are Indian and suffered a lot of poverty. The worst thing is this is still going on but it’s just being censored. We will get justice one day I promise ❤️


Mar 26 at 03:02 PM

Yeah integration means unifying so I think that’s a great idea. I’ve posted for anyone that would like to get together in the Wiltshire area in the UK.

Mar 26 at 03:00 PM

I live in the UK Wiltshire and there’s no EE systems for miles. I have to travel quite far to get to them so UK region would definitely benefit from this so I’m definitely interested

Mar 26 at 02:57 PM

I read the think and grow rich and worked on my belief system so hard. I kept manifesting but there was always a problem with it in the beggining. Realised after resisting for a long time that it was emotional energy blocked. What ever emotion I feel the most the more of it manifested in my material world. Have you read the emotion code? And Sonia chocette in combination has completely changed my state of being ❤️ belief system is getting a bit stronger now 🙏🏽