Amanda Cossu

Aurora, Canada

Nov 01 at 10:34 PM

You are not empty or darkness. You are love and full of light. You are awareness/spirit/soul / all that is that flows into your physical body to have an expirence. You create in your life what you see in your mind, everything is a projection. Everything most move and flow always. Give and you will receive. But always from your heart. The act of giving love and helping others will make your heart feel loved in return. What you are feeling by feeling empty, is that you don't feel loved. You must first love your self, for others are a reflection of you, and you of them. Love all, including what's inside you. What you think about your self that you don't like love that too. Only by loving fully the good and the bad can change and healing come to the part that needs love and light.


Oct 26 at 10:54 PM

It worked same as any frequency music. I listened while doing reiki on my self. After I fell asleep. So I don't know. I think I would need to listen on a regular basis to notice a difference. I also do other things to raise my energy, to a higher frequency. I also get ringing in my ears or I hear frequency sounds. I hear energy. I also feel energy through me and in my hands. It's important for me to be mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually clean, I am sensitive to my environment.

Commented on My code

Oct 25 at 09:50 PM

I am a very caring person. From my own expirence it closes the throat chakra when you feel not free or safe to be open to flow your real self. I rather speak the truth. Then be something I am not. It's not right to lie or hide who someone is or what they believe. I will not live in fear either. I will be what I was born to be and I will show it. Watch David Icke or even Jason shurka, their both good. Also there is I don't agree to keep the truth hidden any longer. The codes should come out, what ever they are for. If not by Ray then someone else should give the knowledge to set the world free. We need to fully awaken, everyone on earth. When a child doesn't want to wake up in the morning to go to school. Do you let them sleep in no. All of humanity are like children to the rest of the universe. We must wake up and learn how to create and how to use are God given powers. What ever I know, I will tell the people for free. I want humanity to wake up that's what I want.


Oct 23 at 02:06 PM

Akhi Shomer I know your right, how do I know that, I feel it. How do you know that your right, the truth knowledge come to you, you feel it to be true. It's a reminder what already is know within all that are awakening.

Commented on Jason can you help

Oct 21 at 12:14 PM

What if everyone got it for free, then there would not be any money to create this platform and all the videos on unifyd. If I can manage to pay for a one year plan, than you can too. I work making $20 an hour full time and I have other expenses but I still put some aside to pay for both unifyd and each of which is paid for one year. Instead of wasting money on what you don't need or something you don't really need in this moment you can use the money to pay for unifyd. Unifyd also has a monthly option which I think everyone is able to pay. Everything is an exchange of energy. You can't be given energy without giving energy first, giving money is giving energy. Also it only supports your limitation to ask for free education. When even the teachers need to make money to live. This platform is there work to educate people. Where the education system is a waist of time that really needs to be forgotten. Many create a true education like unifyd and

Oct 21 at 10:20 AM

The bigger the rock falls into the water, the bigger the wave.

Oct 21 at 08:15 AM

I listen to frequency music while I do reiki on my self. I will try 528 hz.


Oct 20 at 08:54 PM

We will become God's on earth, like superheros with magical power to do all sorts of things, psychic abilities, levitation, telepathy, astral projection, channeling, traveling to other dimensions or densities. Many are already doing all this. It's more about people becoming aware of the truth out there. And what everyone is able to achieve and become. Feel the power. It's about changing what we believe. You see what you believe. A man that believes he is blind will never see. A people that think their small will never see their higher self right inside.


Commented on New here.

Oct 19 at 08:53 PM

Oct 19 at 08:27 PM

We also have 12 strands of DNA that is not active most of it. So there is room to awaken and grow.
