GOD IS REAL!!!!!!! 💯🙏🏽💪🏽

Holyhead, United Kingdom


Apr 27 at 06:13 PM

Dana Carter physically decalcifying your pineal gland I guess would have to be with whatever methods they use for that or whatever you've been doing already but the pineal gland has nothing to do with changing your perception.. 2 different things. I was referring to our reality to be a prison because we are spirit by nature and physical by second nature so the only way to get out of this cesspool Is to change your perception and elevate your consciousness and awareness and meditation, mindfulness, uplifting music, sunlight, and really just spirituality in general but if you work on both of those you will be a spiritual superhero!

Apr 27 at 06:03 PM

T@B¹¹¹ and let me know when you email me so I can check my email because I rarely check it unless I know something important is going to be in it

Apr 27 at 06:02 PM

T@B¹¹¹ taber.. I got a new phone and forgot to transfer your number and factory reset my old phone and gave it to a friend that didn't have one so email me So we can exchange numbers again because I don't want to put my cell phone number on this platform for the public to see.. email me at fathertyme109@gmail.com

Apr 27 at 06:00 PM

Apr 27 at 05:26 PM

Apr 27 at 05:25 PM

PowellJam11 I think it will be well before 10 years but I think progress is going to get slowed down due to near future events that are going to be catastrophic to humanity and hopefully the time of darkness doesn't last very long but I fear that it is amongst us and slowly creeping into our reality.


Apr 27 at 05:23 PM

Ashley Hileman yes this is what this platform is for.. I don't think they've centered or demonetized me one time or even kick anyone off the platform that I know of so they really don't censor anything we say so long as it's not affecting anybody in a negative way I don't think, and even then I think they kind of just let it play out because everything happens because it is supposed to so trying to block somebody from sharing or saying something is like controlling how people think and talk to one another which totally disregards a person's true beliefs, personality and spirituality. And I've actually found it still tough socially to interact with people on some of the topics I have brought up lately but this platform is a start. But I have met many people on here that I have come to have friendships with off of this platform so it's a good platform for sure. Glad you were here.



Apr 27 at 05:15 PM

1 / 2
2 / 2

Had a little birdie follow me into a store I went into today.. I tried to talk with him and let him know that I wasn't there to hurt him and that I would help him back outside but he wasn't fucking with me lol also after I edited and added uploaded the video it actually ended at 1:11 which I had absolutely intentions of doing that.. More synchronicity into my life. Something to have to do with videos..? Birds and the video together?? Idk but I'm listening...🖤999🖤

Apr 27 at 04:22 PM

P.I.M [riddle stick ron]😁 thanks for your riddles of wisdom my dear friend. No matter how well I do or don't understand them, they make me smile,."most of the time". 💯 😂 😂 🤣
