Abbey Skinner

Medina, ND, United States

Jan 18 at 11:40 PM

Whoa!!!! That’s so interesting… funny how the brain works ;). Once I saw the words about 7 feet away, I could see them up close - my brain adjusted I guess.

Commented on post was deleted

Jan 12 at 11:26 AM


Jan 07 at 10:24 PM

I add Dr. Carolyn Deans minerals (Remag, Remyte, and potassium) to my water plus 1/4 teaspoon of sea salt to every 32 ounce mason jar.

I’m crazy about water ;)

Jan 07 at 10:21 PM

Yes, we have 4 large glass jars (a gallon each) and the machine is 100% stainless steel. Zero plastic :)

Jan 07 at 01:22 PM

I just purchased Dr. Groups Urotherapy course… I’m stoked!!!!


Jan 07 at 01:10 PM

Sooooo enjoyed this information - I love learning about remedies and rituals we can do for FREE at HOME! Yay!

I will start with topical Uro therapy first then when I know how to (start slow) and am brave enough, move onto ingesting. This makes so much sense :)


Jan 07 at 12:54 PM


We live on Crystal Springs lake, ND!

Glad to see a fellow North Dakotan!

Jan 07 at 12:49 PM

We are in North Dakota (Crystal Springs Lake).

Jan 07 at 11:56 AM

We use a Pure Water steam distiller - it’s the best!!! I do add back minerals :)

Commented on Third Eye Spies

Jan 06 at 09:12 PM

Enjoyed this very much :). I agree we are all “psychic”, it’s just the ability to connect with the universe.
