Abbey Skinner

Medina, ND, United States

Jan 06 at 10:53 AM


Jan 06 at 10:49 AM

I think they use “Adam” to subliminally activate the religious dogmas/control most were brainwashed into believing.

Jan 04 at 06:15 PM

Hi Cindy - where did Jason post this message, I didn’t see this on UNIFYD.



Jan 04 at 06:12 PM

Hi Caylub,

I only buy water from the store in a pinch, we make steam distilled water using a Pure Water Distiller and coconut charcoal filter (that comes w/ the distiller). I do add back minerals :)

Buying water in the store - only water in glass bottles - usually Mountain Valley Spring or mineral water in glass from Europe :)

Hope that helps!

Jan 03 at 09:06 PM

They are recorded and posted on the videos page (scroll all the way to the bottom) under “Live Replays”.

Jan 03 at 09:03 PM

The video is found in New Releases - it’s titled “Saving the Children”.

Jan 02 at 04:03 PM

Super interesting, always excited to have more healing tools to utilize at home. This makes sense! I look forward to learning more and experimenting :)


Dec 31 at 04:10 PM


Yay!! I just got my books too :)


Dec 29 at 09:32 PM

As someone who spent 14 years on active duty in the Air Force as an airborne communications systems operator… I truly appreciate the work Dr. Steven Greer is doing to bring this to light. He is saving the earth, its inhabitants and the entire universe. Thank you ❤️


Dec 29 at 02:51 PM


- Inflammation - love that Jason mentioned this! Dairy and grains = inflammation/ puffiness / pain / “inflam-aging”. Get them out of your body!

- Mentioned on Truth Bombs video - Jason discussed the color of the chakras corresponding to the colors of food - love this. ROYGBIV is a healing recipe :) Watch it!!
